136 | too late

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    Samantha felt the rays of sunshine against her ivory skin, it was warm, leaving gentle and soothing kiss

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    Samantha felt the rays of sunshine against her ivory skin, it was warm, leaving gentle and soothing kiss.

She opened her eyes, exhaling softly as she woke up. She turn, seeing Sirius' sleepy face next to her own. With a soft smile, she leaned and gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting up. She yawned and stretch her body, welcoming the morning of another day.

With a light turn, she put on her sleepers and took her rope, making her way down the stairs. The house was silent, the only sound that could be heard throughout the house was the ticking of the clock.

Samantha entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. With a flick of her wrist, she began to do breakfast. She was thankful for the calmness, she was used to it.

While everything was making its itself, she decided that it was time to change her clothes. With a small pace, she went upstairs to get change. She gave Sirius one last look, smiling softly at seeing him so calm.

While she made her way down stairs, she realized that she didn't had any more shirts for the rest of the week. At this point, she had been living with Sirius in his house, and although she could wash the clothes there, she realized that she needed more stuff from her house.

Samantha finished the breakfast and served it. It was going to be a quick trip to her house, so she took the notepad that was in the counter and write a small note to Sirius just in case he woke up and realized she wasn't there.

    She sighed and began to the front door. The evening breeze welcomed her, and she held a small smile. With a last look around, she apparated to her house.

    In a matter of seconds, she was at her destination. She dismantled some of the security and allow herself in. Everything was in its place, the only thing that she noticed was the cold, but it was normal for the house, so she didn't think anything of it.

    She began to make her way upstairs, towards her room, to gather the things she needed. Everything entered her purse, while she folded more clothes and another hairbrush.

    Just as she was about to go down stairs again, an owl was making its way to her window. She furrowed her eyebrows, maybe it's not for me, she thought. But as quickly as the question came, she got her answer.

    The owl stood in her window, looking at her with its wide eyes. She was confused, but decided to walk towards the window and open it to let the bird in.

❝hello there❞ she said softly, taking the note attached to it. As soon as she had the message in hand, it quickly flew away.

Samantha locked the window and began to read the note. It was from one of her coworkers, saying that there had been an incident in the department and they needed her there quickly.

She sighed heavily and walked towards the bed, closing her bag. She would have to go to work right away to see what was going on, if it wasn't important they wouldn't had contact her.

Leaving the bag in the sofa, she exited the house and put all the practice spells again, she would have to come back another time.

Once she was ready, she apparated to the city and appeared in one of the alleys design by the Ministry. She began to walk in the narrowed alley, feeling the cold air of the month pass through her hair and skin.

She walked in a calm pace, aware of her surroundings and everything happening in close proximity, having her ears open to any sudden sound. That's why the second she heard, her heart began to beat fast. Unaware of why was happening miles away from her. Unaware of what her godson was going through at the exact same time.

Samantha tried to act as if she didn't hear anything, like everything was fine. But in reality, she heard the footsteps behind her trying not to make a sound.

It was isolated, and even though it had always been a common place for people to walk in, it was deserted at that time. Slowly, she put her fingertips around the edge of her wand, ready to be drawn at any second.

The sounds around her were beginning to be more clearer, and she easily picked up the sense of having people surrounding her. She exhaled, and gripped her wand tighter.

Just as she was thinking about what to do next, she felt someone approach her too close. Releasing a breath, she instantly turn with her wand raised. In front of her stood a man in a black hood, a mask covering his face as more people began to surround her. Samantha locked eyes with the man, and she knew what was happening.

    Everything happened so fast.

    In less than five seconds, she was surrounded by eight death eaters, but she put up a fight that they didn't expect.

    Samantha threw spells left and right, and was able to dodge the ones thrown at her. She managed to disarm most of them, and get them unconscious, but unfortunately, it wasn't all.

    Just when she thought all of them were down, she began to breath heavily. As she prepared herself to apparate, something hit her in the back of head, causing her eyes to roll back. The last thing she saw were the masks of more death eaters making their to her.

    Samantha fell to the floor, not leaving her time to think of an escape or a backup plan. It was too late. She was out.

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