Home In Your Arms

Start from the beginning

Crowley opened his eyes. Aziraphale smiled softly at him and whispered, "Your neck will be sore if you continue to sleep on the couch. Dear, perhaps you should go on to bed."

Crowley leaned against Aziraphale's arm and mumbled, "Carry me. My bedroom is right down the hall at the very end."

Aziraphale carefully walked Crowley to his bedroom. He tucked the demon into bed and whispered, "Goodnight, Crowley."

"Stay here with me, please. I've only got one bed anyways and you won't be roaming my flat all night," Crowley sighed. Aziraphale sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Crowley, you're drunk still. You got drunk in your underwear. If you were sober you'd realize that I'd get in so much trouble if I were to snuggle up next to you."

Crowley sat up and grabbed Aziraphale's hand.

"Please, Aziraphale. You know She probably isn't watching anyways."

Aziraphale looked into Crowley's yellow eyes. He couldn't resist. He unbuttoned his vest and trousers then laid them carefully to the side before crawling into bed with Crowley.

"Tartan underwear. Should have known," Crowley muttered as he snuggled into Aziraphale's arms. Once finding a comfortable cuddle position he kissed Aziraphale's cheek and whispered, "Goodnight, angel."

Aziraphale smiled and sighed, "Sweet dreams, dear."

For hours Aziraphale laid there like that, wide awake and scared. He had a terrible feeling that rose deep within his chest. He knew that if he continued like this, that he'd fall. He could imagine being dragged into Heaven against his will, and thrown off the edge.

He couldn't let that happen to him.

He crawled out of bed, which stirred Crowley awake.

"Angel, where are you going?"

Aziraphale quickly responded, "Go back to sleep. Just a little hungry. I'm getting a snack."

Crowley's head dropped against the pillow and he was soon asleep again. Aziraphale grabbed his vest and trousers, quickly putting them on and leaving Crowley's flat.

He had a place to be and a demon to love.

Heaven wasn't that far away. Just two blocks down to the main building, a short ride up an escalator, and an incredibly boring ride up an elevator.

Reaching the top floor was quite scary. Stepping inside and looking at the stars below was enough to make Aziraphale's heart rush.

Of course Gabriel was enjoying a night like this.

"Aziraphale? What a surprise to see you here."

Aziraphale marched up to him and stated, "I want to fall. Right now."

Gabriel stared at Aziraphale for a moment before sighing, "Of course. You're smarter than we think you are. You were going to fall eventually anyways."

"I'm not doing this for your enjoyment, pea brain. I think you're not aware that I'm in love with a demon and I intend to fall for him."

Gabriel waved for Aziraphale to follow him. The Archangel sighed, "We were starting to believe that there was something more between you and that demon."

Soon the two reached an open ledge of Heaven. Gabriel and Aziraphale looked down at the Earth.

"Anything you have to say for yourself Aziraphale?"

Aziraphale spread his wings with confidence and said, "Fuck you, Gabriel," before jumping. He was rapidly falling towards the earth. He began to laugh at one point. That was before his wings went up in flames.

He could feel his body reforming. His teeth and nails became sharper. His blue eyes turned red. His wings were crisp and black.

By the time he reached Hell he was in excruciating pain. Aziraphale couldn't decide if the floor was freezing cold or burning hot. He didn't quite have time to figure it out. Crowley was standing right above him, big black wings arching behind his back.

"Aziraphale, we have to get out of here."

Crowley reached out to help Aziraphale up.


Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's hand and up they went. Aziraphale spread his wings. He made sure never to let go of Crowley's hand. Not until they reached the Earth.

Crowley carried Aziraphale home. He carefully laid him on the bed.

"Aziraphale, what did you do?"

Aziraphale looked up at the ceiling and muttered, "I fell. I went up to Heaven, and I jumped."

Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's hand and sighed, "You were a perfectly good angel. You shouldn't have fell."

Aziraphale smiled at Crowley and said, "No, I was a terrible angel. I was going to fall anyways. I think I may be sick now."

Crowley handed Aziraphale a small plastic container.

"Let me guess, an absolutely terrible headache too?" Crowley asked. Aziraphale nodded his head before regurgitating.

Crowley rubbed Aziraphale's back and said, "Don't worry, this part doesn't last very long. You'll be fine soon."

Aziraphale wiped his mouth with a towel and sighed, "I don't know if I want to be like this."

Crowley asked, "Why? It's better than being part of that up there."

"I fell because I wanted to be able to love you. I just don't know if I'm cut out for this though. Heaven was my home essentially, now I don't have one."

Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's hand and said, "Your home is right here. I'm not letting you go anywhere."

Aziraphale put his container to the side and leaned into Crowley's arms.

"I don't plan on ever leaving."

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