Heartbroken and Fevered [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-

Start from the beginning

Aziraphale was overjoyed. He wanted these things too. He just wondered why Crowley didn't say anything. He also began to wonder why he didn't say anything about it himself. There were so many times where either one of them could have said something.

The angel held the journal close to his chest. He hadn't finished reading it, but he knew all that he needed to. In the same moment the snow began to fall a little harder. This made driving difficult for Crowley, who was turning around because he knew he had forgotten something.

Traffic was terrible, roads were icy, but nothing was holding this demon back. He got back to his apartment in the most snappy way possible. That's where he found what he needed most, lying on his couch.

He questioned why the angel was sleeping on his couch, in his apartment. He then realized his precious journal was in Aziraphale's hands.

Crowley was furious. In that moment he didn't know if he was mad at Aziraphale or mad at himself. He ripped the book from Aziraphale's hands. This woke the angel up. Crowley started furiously screaming at him.

"Aziraphale! You stupid angel get off my damn couch! Get out! Don't touch my journal!"

Aziraphale had never seen Crowley act like that. It was the first time that Crowley had yelled at Aziraphale in such a way. While they had the occasional rude comment, neither one of them had acted like that. Crowley was a demon though, and he was unpredictable.

Aziraphale shamefully ran out of Crowley's apartment into the snow. A bitter gust of wind blew against Aziraphale's face. The angel wasn't dressed for this kind of weather. He had left his trench coat in Crowley's apartment, along with the key to his bookshop. There was no where for him to go. He was left out in the cold.

It was later that night that Crowley had noticed the angel left his coat. Snow was falling rapidly at this point. The power was out. If it wasn't Crowley would have called Aziraphale and apologized for what he said.

He believed that any chances at having Aziraphale were destroyed. He shunned himself for messing everything up. The least he could do was apologize. He thought perhaps that he'd see if Aziraphale was at his shop. He got dressed for the cold and walked to Aziraphale's shop. The doors were locked and the window blinds were shut. Crowley didn't need a key, he just opened it with a snap of his fingers. He stepped inside and looked around.

"Angel? Are you home?"

There was no response. It didn't take long for Crowley to realize Aziraphale wasn't there. The demon ran out into the streets and called for his angel. It took him all night to find Aziraphale curled up in an alley way. The angel's wings were covered in snow. Crowley approached him. Aziraphale looked up at him and muttered, "Go away."

Crowley responded, "No, angel. I'm sorry I didn't mean a word I said."

Aziraphale put his head back on his knees and sighed, "But you were right. I'm just a stupid angel."

Crowley sat down in the snow with Aziraphale. He extended his wing over Aziraphale and said, "You're not a stupid angel. I told you I didn't mean it."

Aziraphale got up and said, "Crowley don't argue with me. Don't argue with yourself. I suppose your feelings for me have changed."

This was the first time Crowley had been able to see Aziraphale in full.

"Aziraphale, you look sick. Come on please."

Aziraphale continued walking.

Crowley drew in a cold breath before crying, "Aziraphale, I love you!"

The angel looked back at Crowley. He mumbled, "You did. I know you did. I read half of your journal. I don't understand why you wanted something like me. I'm glad you finally got your head clear."

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