(SFW Alphabet) Ulysses

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SFW Alphabet.

He shows love through actions, but not really intimate actions. For example, he's a great gift-giver, and he uses that to show affection.

Best Friend
He would be a good friend, but Ulysses is picky as to who his friends are. He doesn't want someone who will eventually betray him or sell him out to his enemies.

He won't cuddle while you're awake. If you fall asleep, however, he'll pull you close, and the next morning he'll claim you both shifted in your sleep.

When he was younger, he thought he found his home, and the people he was meant to be with. The ignorance of a courier caused his world to die, and his wish for a domestic lifestyle.

Ulysses is bad at making friends so he's never had a relationship. He doesn't understand them, but he will let his partner know when and why he's upset, and they'd break up with him.

Ulysses would be the one to propose, but you would have already been together for numerous years for him to actually get the balls to ask.

Ulysses naturally has a gentle touch, but his words and actions tend to be more harsh, and in the worst possible ways.

He doesn't like or dislike hugging. It's a pro-longed, full-body handshake for your lover. Ulysses doesn't crave hugs, but knows when his partner does.

I Love You
Ulysses feels like saying those words are a bad omen, or that they jinx your relationship. If you say it, he will tell you his beliefs, and ask that you do something instead to show it, like kiss his cheek or snap twice.

He gets jealous fairly easy, but he always hides it and if you don't notice or call him out on it, he'll act the same and not show it at all.

Ulysses likes kissing, especially the rushed kisses on the cheek. They mean a lot to him because it shows that no matter how busy one of you is, that you still love the other.

Little Things
He does a lot of little things. Putting a hand on your back when he walks by, asking about your day and genuinely caring and listening, and even baking just for the hell of it.

He isn't a morning person or a night person, he's a sleep person. He hates waking up, and he hates not being able to fall asleep.

Ulysses is always very open about everything, but he's very cryptic, so he can tell the truth, but make it hard to find.

Ulysses is very patient. He waits for things to come to him, rather than running after them himself.

He has a photographic memory, which is bittersweet. He can remember plenty of physical things, but they take up so much space in his mind that it's hard to remember other things.

Ulysses likes the sound the rain makes, pattering quietly or pelting harshly on a metal roof, and the calming rumble of thunder and dash of lightning.

He is very protective. He had the biceps of a greek god and will bite absolutely anyone that harms you.

Ulysses, surprisingly, is very sweet with his lover. He will go overboard with flowers and little gifts, always making his partner fall harder for him.

Ugly Habits
He thinks that others find love in material objects, and believes thats the only way to win someone over.

He doesn't care much for his looks, but he doesn't like the little red indents his breathing mask leaves behind.

He likes to wear layers and heavy coats and clothes, and summer makes that all types

X-tra (Random HC)
Ulysses is more immune to radiation than most humans and he doesn't know why. (He also loves to garden.)

Any food thats brown. Whether it's chocolate or potatoes. Brown is a color to be worn, not eaten.

He has a standard dad sleep schedule. Sleep for ten hours, then take a nap on the couch anyways.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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