Preference #126

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Warning: NSFW
This is when someone walks in on you two having sex.

It was Hancock who walked in on you two. He was high as a fuckin' kite, too. MacCready shouted for him to get out and Hancock just said, "What are you guys doing? Can I join?"

Farenheight walked in, saying Super Mutants were practically busting down the gates, and Hancock blushed, and covered you up, shouting that he couldn't run around and fight with a boner. Farenheight rolled her eyes and left.

Piper walked in because she was going to ask Nick about a case to put in the papers. Instead, she quietly snapped a photo of you two but left the flash on. She jokingly used it as blackmail for a while.

Glory walked in, and Deacon threw a pillow at her head. She caught it and chucked it back at him. It hit him and he shouted for her to get the fuck out.

Allison walked in on you two. She came up to ask you a question, and when she saw what was happening, she quickly asked many questions about it for research purposes.

Sturges walked in on you. He just clenched his jaw and stared silently, blushing like an idiot until you both shouted for him to leave. He apologized quietly, and slammed the door behind him.

Preston walked in on you two. Luckily, things hadn't gotten too heated, but Sturges was under you in just his boxers, and Preston walked in, greeted him politely, and began to tell you about a settlement.

Mason walked in on you, and raised his brows, offended that you chose to fuck Gage instead of him. He looked to a spot that made you and Gage uncomfortable then grinned and asked if he could join.

Vadim walked in on you two. He laughed, and congratulated you and Travis on your next step in your relationship. Then he started raiding the fridge and talked about his day. You and Travis just lay naked under the sheets until he left.

Maxson got a noise complaint, and went to see what was happening. He burst in your room, immediately shouting at you two to keep it down. He left, and, since he didn't get a good look at anything, he thought you two were fighting. You never told him otherwise.

Danse walked in. He said he heard a thump, and came to see what was wrong. It was actually just after you two had finished, and you were both laying under the sheets, trying desperately to catch your breath. Danse thought one of you had a nightmare, but didn't bother asking about it.

Nick walked in on you two because he had a case to discuss with you, and he just tugged on the front of his hat down and apologized before walking out.

It was back in the Vault, and your father walked in. Apparently him and Jonas bet on what would be happening, and Jonas ended up sliding your father ten bucks. He then told you two to carry on, and closed the door.

You two were in a room at Moriarty's, and Nova walked in with a man she was seducing. It scared the shit out of you and Gob, and you actually screamed. Then there were four, almost naked, people, awkwardly staring at one another for about two minutes.

No one's ever walked in on you two. Charon makes sure of that, but for the most part, you two fuck in hidden spaces, or places far away from any other type of settlement or human/ghoul life.

Julie heard what was going on, and stopped by, just to ask if Arcade had a condom. He did, but he was too shocked by her entry to say anything. She told him not to worry, and she tossed him one, then walked out without another word.

You two took up a room at the Lucky 38, and Swank and a shirtless dude stumbled in, tangling tongues. You cleared your throat, then you and Swank high-fived each other. He left, and everyone went back to their business.

You two were getting down and dirty in a room in Gomorrah for the first time in a long time, and Benny, for some reason, walked in with some twink on his arm. Benny winked and said he didn't know you had a thing for ghouls.

Swank walked in, and let out a sharp whistle, saying that he never thought Benny could get in your pants. Little did he know that Benny had done that way more than once.

Benny walked in, and let out a whistle, asking Swank how long he'd been with you, then asked if he could join. You and Swank were shouting over each other for him to get out.

Christine walked in. She didn't mean to, but she saw what was happened, rolled her eyes, muttered something under her breath, turned on her heel, and left without looking back. You and Dean didn't even notice her.

Yes Man
Benny walked in on you two because he had a question about a certain area of Freeside. He saw you and Yes Man going at it, and was surprised, because, as far as he knew, you and Yes Man were friends, and nothing more.

Trudy walked in. She apologized quickly, and when walking out, felt like a mother that just walked in on her son going at it. She shook her head, and went to the bar to down a shot. None of you ever spoke about it.

Ten of Spades
Betsy walked in drunk, and said, "It'd be better if it were girl on girl." She then glared at Ten, then left without another word. You two laughed about it later.

Otho walked in because he wanted to ask Vulpes if he were up for a round in the arena. Vulpes was obviously in the middle of a round already, with you under him, and he glared at the man, threatening to crucify him if he ever told a soul, since recreational intercourse was prohibited.

Follows-Chalk walked in, and Joshua played it off very well. You both just knocked the fuck out. It led the young man to think that you were both asleep, then he left, confused. You and Joshua lay there silently until he left.

You two were outside, behind a rock. It was night and you two were both clothed, but making out pretty hot and heavy, touchy-feely. Joshua frowned at you two, and separated you, saying that when you sit together, there better be enough room between you two for Jesus.

You guys are utterly alone in the Divide, and so far, have never been interrupted by people, or by creatures of any sort.

Dr. O
Dala walked in with a clipboard. She looked at you, then to your boyfriends dick before shaking her head and walking out without a word.

Dr. Klein
You were under his desk giving him head and Borous walked in to answer a question. He never found out you were under there, and it was pretty hysterical to tell him a year later.

Dr. Mobius
He was sitting on the couch, pants and boxers at his ankles, head leaned back in ecstasy, with you working magic between his legs. You two didn't even notice when 8 walked in and spun around and sped out.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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