Preference #76

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This is how they react to you being insecure about yourself.

MacCready smiled and said that he was insecure about some things as well, but that he loved you. To him, you made all his insecurities wash away because you loved him no matter what, and he felt the same towards you.

He thought you were joking, but after finding out you were serious, he was dumbfounded. He said that he didn't know what someone like yourself had to be insecure about, and it just baffled him beyond words.

Nick told you what usually made people insecure, and asked who had caused it. You shrugged and said you didn't know, and he quickly understood before hugging you and asking you out for dinner.

Deacon just picked you up, set you on the bed, then flopped on top of you, crushing you and making you giggle before he hugged you tightly and said that he loved you anyways.

He said that most humans were insecure, and that you were brave for admitting it to him, since some people just bully others to make themselves less insecure somehow.

Preston said he was insecure too, but not about his body. He said he was insecure about his position in the Minutemen, and you two began to work with one another and take care of each other.

Sturges got unhappy. He said that he didn't know why someone like you would be insecure, because you were perfect to him. He listed off all the great things about you until you kissed him to shut him up.

Gage didn't know what the word 'insecure' meant. Literally. When you explained, he said, "Oh", and asked why you don't just be secure. He was very confused the whole time.

Travis shook his head and, speaking from experience, said that insecurity can get the better of you, and make your life not worth living. He didn't want you to feel the way he used to, and started going out of his way to make you feel better about yourself.

Danse suggested things you could do to fix it. He offered to help, and you weren't sure about it, but in the end, he helped you fix whatever it was you were insecure about until you were comfortable in your own skin.

He said that plenty of people were insecure, and that there was nothing he could do to help, unfortunately. He said that insecurity is a self battle, and that you had to work on your mind to become more comfortable with yourself. When you asked for help, though, he always did what he could.

He got a flower, and asked you if it was beautiful. He got another flower, and asked the same thing. He told you that beauty comes in many different forms, and that to him, you were the greatest flower of them all.

Butch got out his knife and asked who made you feel bad about yourself. He was fired up and ready to stab a bitch. When you said it was yourself, he put his knife down and squeezed you into a hug and peppered you in kisses until you were wheezing with laughter.

He was confused. He wanted you to love yourself as much as he did, and he kissed you before complementing you numerous times in a matter of minutes.

Charon understood before you even got the sentence out. He said that your work was difficult, and that he was expecting you to say that you were feeling that way eventually

He got into the psychological part about why people are insecure, and gave you medical information to help. After figuring out that it wasn't working, he held out his arms pitifully, and you latched onto him.

Boone asked what you had to be insecure about, and said that each and every part of your body and personality was absolutely stunning in his eyes, and that you wouldn't be insecure if you saw yourself the way he saw you.

He understood what it meant to be insecure, whether it be about body or personality. He just said that if you wouldn't love yourself, he didn't mind doing it for you.

Being with Benny made it practically impossible for you to be insecure. He was always complementing you on anything you did and was so hopelessly in love with you, that it just made you feel good about yourself.

He was already always showing you off, and it would make you blush and look away. He asked why and you said that you were nothing to Marvel at and he was just scoffing in disbelief for five minutes.

Dean, instead of focusing on your insecurities, focused on your confidence, and exploited it. He told you what he used to do before performing to build his confidence up, and going through the process with him was fun.

Yes Man
Yes Man asked what it was you were insecure about, and when you told him the specifics, he looked you in the eye, and demanded you be confident. You giggled and told him that's not how it works, and he was confused and asked why you couldn't just 'turn your insecure setting off'.

He said that helped every inch of you, and that he didn't really know why you thought that about yourself.

Ten of Spades
He said that he was insecure about a lot of things too, but that if he loved you, and you loved him, you would become less insecure as time went by. It made you feel a lot better, surprisingly, since he wasn't too good at deep conversations.

You said you were insecure, and when you told him what it was you were insecure about, he worked with you to help you on it. If it was your weight, he tried his best to get you back on track and healthy. If it was your fitness, he offered to help you in the arena. He was very understanding of all of it.

Joshua understood, and said that his God made you exactly perfect. When he saw that it didn't make you feel any better, he sighed and asked you if you wanted to cuddle for a little while. It would hurt him, but he knew it was what you needed.

He showed you a tattoo he had on his left shoulder blade. He was he only one with it, and it represented that he was once insecure, and he learned to love himself, so he got that tattoo. He said that when you got there, you could get a matching one.

Ulysses quickly understood, and said that the best way to take of it was to find someone who loves you so much, that you can't help but feel good about yourself. He kissed you and promised to get better about giving you confidence at any time possible.

Dr. O
He noticed that you were making yourself vulnerable bu telling him how you felt about yourself, and he thought for a minute before telling you that he loved you very much, and that he wants you to feel your best at all times.

Dr. Klein
He thought that it was impossible for someone as amazing as you to be insecure, so he did a brain scan. He found out that nothing was wrong, and was baffled, saying that you were too perfect to have anything to be insecure about.

Dr. Mobius
He said, "Cheers," and you two downed shots. He said that he was insecure too, and said that two dysfunctional people in a relationship would be fun as hell. You knew he didn't mean that, but it made you smile, and that was his goal.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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