(SFW Alphabet) Joshua Graham

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SFW Alphabet.

Pre-Burn: If you touch him, he will bite your finger off.

Post Burn: He's 100% for verbal affection, but he doesn't like being touched too much.

Best Friend
Pre-Burn: He chose his friends wisely, but his wisdom wasn't worth shit because his friends ended up being the people to set him aflame.

Post Burn: He learned fro his mistakes and has trust issues. Overall, he'd be a better friend now and would give better advice.

Pre-Burn: He would as soon as stab someone as he would cuddle them.

Post Burn: Cuddling with someone else in his bed is a dangerous game for him. One wrong kick or turn from his partner could give him a week of pain.

Pre-Burn: He never thought much about wanting to settle down and start a family simply for the sake of personal joy.

Post Burn: He regrets not settling down and having children when he was, as he calls it, "more desirable."

Pre-Burn: Joshua would absolutely butcher someone's heart.

Post Burn: He sees life as something everyone should enjoy, and ending things when necessary is a part of that.

Pre-Burn: He wouldn't like to have a fiancé for long. If he proposes, the wedding will be as soon as possible (likely unplanned, and a week after the proposal).

Post Burn: He would wait on the wedding in fear of being rejected late.

Pre-Burn: He may have (initially) gentle intentions, but if anyone can burn a trail of corpses with a resting bitch face, it's Joshua.

Post Burn: He is silently afraid of scaring people because of the damage done to his skin, so he tries to be gentle with what deserves gentle treatment.

Pre-Burn: He will bite you.

Post Burn: He will hug back no matter how much it physically hurts him.

I Love You
Pre-Burn: Joshua wouldn't say it first, and even after you say it, he won't say it back. He may just get red-faced and tell you to shut up.

Post Burn: Joshua will say it when the time is appropriate. He isn't a spontaneous lover.

Pre-Burn: He doesn't get jealous because of how defensive and protective he is. No one can get close so he has no one to be jealous of.

Post Burn: Joshua knows there are better options than himself. He tries to be the best man he can be, and just hopes you won't leave him.

Pre-Burn: He will bite you if you kiss him without warning or permission.

Post Burn: Each kiss has to be gentle and can't involve biting or his lower lip will literally end up in your mouth.

Little Things
He won't verbally express much care, but you can often glance over and catch him sneaking a glance just to check up on you.

Pre-Burn: He always woke up early, went on a jog, bathed, and returned before you could even wake up.

Post Burn: He's nocturnal, so morning is night for him.

Pre-Burn: He went to sleep on a scheduled time, but had a few holes poked in the top of his tent so he could see certain stars.

Post Burn: He's nocturnal so night is morning for him.

Pre-Burn: He wasn't open about anything. Joshua could have a team plan, but keep it to himself.

Post Burn: Joshua finds that telling stories of the past can be used to teach lessons. When he opens up about his own past, that's why.

Pre-Burn: He used to be more patient, but since joining the Legion his patience soon wore thin.

Post Burn: Joshua sits indoors all day doing the same thing with the same gun. He is patience.

Pre-Burn: If someone asked something of his partner, he'd say he didn't know just to seem like he doesn't have a weak point.

Post Burn: If someone asks him about you, he asks why, and the whole ordeal turns into a lecture.

Pre-Burn: He liked to see people fight in the arena after it rained. Because mud!

Post Burn: If rain touches his skin, it brings back sour memories, and gives him dots of excruciating rain, even though it isn't irradiated water.

Pre-Burn: He kind of holds a tight leash on his romantic partner and dictates their outfits and what they can and can't do. (Toxic.)

Post Burn: He lets his partner do what they want, but will lecture them if they make a mistake.

Pre-Burn: He honestly didn't give a shit about chasing after someone he was interested in.

Post Burn: He will put as much effort into a relationship as possible, but what he can do is limited.

Ugly Habits
Pre-Burn: Being violent and having a quick temper.

Post Burn: Picking at bandages and sores/blisters on his skin.

Pre-Burn: He always kept himself clean and his hair was always neatly trimmed.

Post Burn: Joshua keeps his bandages clean, but that's more sanitary than it is him wanting to look good.

Pre-Burn: He used to hate it because winter is always a disadvantage in the military with lack of crops and illness.

Post Burn: He double wraps in bandages and finds that it surprisingly keeps him warm.

X-tra (Random HC)
Pre-Burn: He and Vulpes definitely gossip.

Post Burn: When he asks someone to help him change his bandages, it's the highest form of trust he can bestow.

He's never liked people that act smarter or unrightfully higher than him in any way.

Pre-Burn: Joshua never had trouble sleeping.

Post Burn: Not only has his entire sleep schedule changed, but he can't move in his sleep, and he also gets awful nightmares.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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