Preference #22

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This is the reason why the two of you would ever split, if you did at all.

You and MacCready broke up for only a short amount of time. Long enough for him to go back to D.C for Duncan. He planned on staying, but realized that he needed you as much as you needed him, and returned as quickly as possible.

You cut things off after he blew all your money on chems and booze. You were alright with the booze, but you told him to stop his chem use before you walked out on him. He didn't stop, so you left. He tracked you down, saying he'd try if that's what it meant to have you stay.

Nick actually broke up with you. He said he was working on a case and couldn't have you distracting him. You told him to leave, and after he did so, you immediately broke down, moping for days until he finished the case and came back to you. 

You ended things because Desdemona told you to. She said Deacon needed to be focused solely on the Railroad at a time like this. You did so, and seeing his reaction absolutely broke your heart. After a week of his work getting worse, Des told you to get back with him. You did, and told Deacon why you did what you did.

You broke up because he got scarily overprotective of you. You were talking to a new scientist, showing him the ropes, and X6 stood directly between you two, cutting you off and shoving the new guy to the ground.

You broke up with Preston because he was always sending you off to do his work, helping settlements and clearing places, for the most part. After a few months of doing this, you had enough and cut it off until he realized that you needed a break.

He actually broke up with you, saying you were away too often doing things for Preston. He said it was like you cared more about the settlements than you did for him. Upset, you left, staying in Diamond City for a while before going back to him, telling him you'd stay as long as he'd like. He thanked you and you two stayed together since.

You and Gage were off and on until he started bitching to you about you being around Mason too much. You two were yelling back and forth at Fizztop, and Raiders of all three gangs gathered to listen. You eventually stormed out, and the men and women of Nuka-World cleared a path for your angry self. Gage found you and apologized, but you didn't listen until a week later when he got caught up in bad buisness and you had to help him out, falling in love with him again.

You broke up with Travis because he refused to stand up for himself. He said that if he did, he'd be just as bad as the bully's messing with him. It upset you, for some reason, so you left him for a month before hearing from Vadim how devastated Travis was and that he'd picked up a habit of drinking.

Danse broke up with you after finding out he was a Synth. It was for your own sake, and because he wanted to protect you. He said the Institute could wire him to kill you, and he wouldn't be able to stop it. You told him not to worry about it, and that you trusted him enough.

His work got in the way of you. Especially with the Institute around. He hardly spoke to you. You said it was as if you weren't in a relationship, so you might as well just not be. You left, and he sent Danse out to speak to you to convince you to talk to Maxson.

He was too clueless about everything. He was like a child, and after a while, you just needed a break. He was upset, but understanding, so about a month later, you two got back together.

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