Preference #18

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This is what makes them jealous, and how they act because of it.

MacCready gets jealous when the two of you are in Goodneighbor. All the Watchmen complement you and it makes you smile, because you and MacCready are both loved in the Settlement. It still makes his face flush and he'll pull you closer.

Hancock gets jealous when someone is a good fighter. He thinks it makes them look better in your eyes, but luckily, his fighting skills aren't the only reason you love him.

Nick gets jealous when he's proven wrong. His gears will skid sometimes because he thinks you'll go for anyone with brains. Still, you tell him no one's quite like him. Except DiMA. But DiMA's a little bitch.

Deacon very rarely gets jealous, but he tends to envy Drummerboy. He's always having to talk to you for his job, and Deacon thinks he may have some hidden feelings for you. Little does he know Drummerboy is attracted to whatever gender you're not.

He hardly gets jealous. It wasn't programmed for him. However, one man he was jealous of once was recently 'shot through the head by a mysterious stranger'.

Preston is automatically jealous of anyone with a good structure and plan for what they're doing. Like he's jealous of when people come up to you and talk planning, because he thinks they're trying to make him look bad.

Sturges gets really upset when jealous. When a guy is talking to you, out of nowhere he'll dip you and make-out with you before returning you upright and walking off. You got used to it, so you'll be talking about the weather, he'll get jealous and kiss you, and you'll just apologize quickly and go back to what it was you were discussing.

Gage nails you the second he has a chance. He leaves hickies on you when jealous just so people know that your his and to back off. One fellow tried to make you his, and Gage shot him before taking you home. You didn't mind. Wasn't like you knew the guy.

Travis is a very silent boy when jealous. His ears will redden and he'll drink a beer to calm himself down and remember that you're his and only his.

When someone flirts with you, Danse promptly steps in, and bluntly tells the person to stop. It keeps him from getting envious. He says envy is a bad trait to have.

People know better than to flirt with you, so they don't even try. Maxson doesn't need to worry about that jealousy shit.

He's completely clueless, but if you tell him someone is staring at you, he'll move so that he blocks their view of you.

Butch will tell the person off. He nearly got in a fight at Moriarty's one night, and would have if you hadn't pulled him outside and calmed him down.

Gob just stays silent when jealous. It makes him lose his self-confidence, and you notice, so you pull him in for a quick kiss and a small smile to tell him you're still his.

Charon just shoots whoever he's jealous of. He'll look to you to make sure it's okay, and with a single nod, he'll kill whoever he must.

Arcade usually gets mad at you when jealous. For example, a guy was flirting with you and you told him you were occupied by the man next to you, which was Arcade. For some reason it upset him and he ignored you for an hour. Not sure why.

Boone doesn't get jealous. You leave him for someone else? That's fine. It's not like he'd fling himself off the nearest cliff or anything...

Raul knows that he's extraordinarily lucky to have you, and honestly believes that you deserve better than him. If a guy is hitting on you, he points it out, then you roll your eyes and say that you only want him.

Benny takes you to his room and does you in. He makes sure to leave marks anywhere he can and to hold you securely when in public. The people of Vegas know you two run the place, and that the two of you are so out of anyone else's league's except each other's.

He'll immediately laugh louder and make more jokes so that you're attention is his, and his alone. In the end, you never even know that another guy was checking you out.

It's only you and Dean in the Seirra Madre, so he has no one to get jealous of.

Yes Man
Yes Man will passive aggressively tell the person that he loves you and that you love him. He said these exact words, "Go piss up a rope you heartless wench!" He immediately apologized for his outburst.

He gets jealous when he sees other guys try to do stuff to impress you. He got you by impressing you, and he's worried that that's all it took. Whenever some guy showed you how good he could do one thing or another, Victor would step in and do it better.

Ten of Spades
He never got jealous. If he did, he was very quiet about it, and would just twiddle his thumbs because if you made up your mind and said that you didn't love him anymore, there was nothing he could do about it. He just sat quietly and hoped that it wouldn't happen. It never did.

People are too scared of Vulpes to even get near you. Perfectly fine with the both of you. The other legionaries are assholes anyways.

Joshua will do little things to tell you he's jealous. He'll pull you closer or tell you he has a bad feeling about someone. He hates it though because he says jealousy is a sin.

He doesn't pick up when other people check you out, but when he does, he blushes and intertwined your fingers.

Ulysses had no one to be jealous of. You two were alone in the Divide.

Dr. O
He gets jealous easily, and has rolled up his sleeves to punch someone three times his size. He turns into a little angry tomato.

Dr. Klein
He thinks it's pitiful when people check you out, because he already has you, and he would just absolutely love to see them try to make a move on you.

Dr. Mobius
He gets self-conscious, and wraps an arm around you, or politely asks if you two can leave wherever you're at.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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