(SFW Alphabet) X6-88

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SFW Alphabet.

He isn't affectionate, but he admires how you are. He likes receiving hugs from you, especially when you first wake up, but he never jumps to the thought of hugging you first.

Best Friend
He always shows interest in what you like. If you like writing, he'd ask you about it, or if you like drawing, he'll politely ask if you could show him some drawings sometime.

He doesn't sleep, but when he lays with you, he doesn't mind if you snuggle up against him, and will hold you if you ask him too.

He's very clean, and doesn't mind picking up other people's messes. He doesn't ask for help because when other people clean, they don't do it the way he likes.

He is always there for who he's breaking up with, and pretends to feel sorry about breaking up, but he could really care less. If he broke up with someone, it's usually because he never really felt a spark.

He's a gentleman, and will offer to take you to a nice dining place, knowing you'll say no and that you prefer to have more personal time with him.

He's super gentle. He'll always brush your arm or something to let you know he's there. He never sneaks up on you, for some reason. You can almost sense his presence.

If he can tell you're having a rough day, he'll just hold out his arms and let you wrap your arms around him and hug him as tight as you want.

I Love You
He thinks actions speak louder than words, but understands that people need to hear the words to know for sure, so he usually says it as a good morning.

He doesn't get jealous, because when people see you with him, or if they know you're with him, they immediately know to steer clear.

He likes when you kiss him, because it show him that you're comfortable, and that you trust him.

Little Things
He'll kiss your cheek while your working, and rub your shoulders and ask you about your day.

He is always happy to help you get going in the mornings, and will sometimes serve you breakfast in bed.

He doesn't mind nighttime. He actually prefers to be on the surface at night, rather than during the day. He likes when it's less hot, and everyone is calm. It makes him think the surface can be okay sometimes.

He is open about things, but it isn't like he has a past to talk about, and he's not sure if he's allowed to talk about his work or not. He prefers to listen to you talk.

He will never die. He never has any reason to rush anything, unless a mission of his has a deadline, even then, he works swiftly, careful not to rush things too much.

It's in his programming to remember everything. He even has a photographic memory. He'll remember everything about you, almost to an unsettling level.

He just thinks rain is gross. He doesn't see it often, but it makes the surface 'melt', and could hypothetically make him melt. He's totally not scared even at the mention of it...

He can be protective. If he notices someone talking to you, he'll lock eyes with them, and that often sways them from doing any dirty deeds.

He doesn't need to. He honestly never thinks about taking you out on dates and stuff, but he goes out of his way to try to spend a lot of time with you.

Ugly Habits
He's too quiet. He never really sparks up a conversation. He always waits for you to talk to him first.

He keeps himself very well kept. He has a barber, and even works out a bit, though his field work is what really keeps him fit.

It doesn't bother him, but he notices how the cold effects other people, and makes sure that you're kept warm.

X-tra (Random HC)
His clothes always smell like a new car, but when he puts on cologne, boy, he might as well slay you where you stand.

Slobs. He hates people who are way too messy. He isn't picky, but people he considers "greasy" are at the bottom of he food chain.

He has never slept, and never plans to. He'll lay with you until you're asleep, then go run a mission, then come back for when you wake up.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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