(SFW Alphabet) Raul Tejada

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SFW Alphabet.

Raul likes verbal shows of affection more than physical. Pet names, quiet "I love you"s, and coy flirt lines are his shows of affection.

Best Friend
He'd be a very good best friend. He knows how to listen to other people when they need a shoulder to lean on, but the only rule is that his friend must be the same.

He is a big old softie, in more ways that just physical. Raul likes holding his lover close in many aspects, including when you both retreat after a hard day.

Raul had a big family and was an older brother. He is therefore good at playing with kids and keeping them occupied. They also think he's pretty cool looking. They ask him to say stuff because of his "accent".

He wouldn't end a relationship without a valid reason. Even then he would let them down easy and offer to stay friends (then proceed to ghost them).

He would be the one to propose. It would take a very long time, and it would be when you least expect it.

He can be gentle or rough, but he is always precise. He is a mechanic, and a lover. Both abilities are needed, and he has mastered both.

Raul gives good hugs. He is warm and has a broad chest. His arms envelop you easily and the hug always seems to last just the perfect amount of time.

I Love You
He is always the one to say it. Raul says it quietly, and out of nowhere, usually when you're busy. Sometimes (most of the time) he says it to himself.

He doesn't get super jealous. If it's a guy hitting on you in hopes of a one night stand, he doesn't care. But if it's a guy that is a really close friend of yours that makes you laugh and smile a lot, then he'll get jealous.

Raul likes kisses, preferably given and received on the cheek or forehead unless being intimate. You two have an unspoken language and if you kiss him on the lips, it's your way of telling him you want a room.

Little Things
Raul does a lot of any things. A hand on your lower back when he passes you, a muttered pet name, an affectionate smile, and other little things he doesn't realize he even does.

Raul enjoys every part of every day. He likes the coolness of the morning that hits before the crashing heat of midday, which brings it's own pros and cons.

He likes the nighttime. He likes nocturnal flowers and if he ever gets restless at night, he'll go out and watch some of the petals unfurl under the moonlight.

He is open, but in a loophole kind of way. He will not open up unless directly asked something. If you ask why he didn't tell you something, he'll say it's because you never asked.

Raul is an older guy, and will still be around for a relatively long time. He has learned to have patience when it is needed, but he can still be restless and anxious in dangerous situations.

Raul knows everything he needs to know to make you happy. Who cares how long your hair is, or what shape your face is. If you're happy he's happy.

He likes the rain. He likes holding a hand outside the window and yanking it back in after the first drop of radiation hits his skin. As he says, "It's like lotion to me."

Raul knows when to be protective, and when to let you handle things. If a guy is verbally hitting on you, he'll sit back and watch it play out, but if anyone moves to lay a hand on you, he's there immediately.

He puts in no effort to impress you, but rather to move you. He does a lot of little things, like picking a cactus flower because he sees your beauty in it.

Ugly Habits
He takes on more than he can emotionally handle sometimes. He likes to have people vent to him but he doesn't like venting. (He definitely needs to sometimes.)

He doesn't really care much for how he looks. He likes to wear something that represents himself, like a sombrero or a jumpsuit to show profession and whatnot.

He doesn't like winter. According to him it makes his skin "feel tight". He doesn't know if it's because he's a ghoul, because he's old, or both.

X-tra (Random HC)
He is good at handling those who are grieving. He knows if they need a shot of tequila, he knows if they need a hug, a pep talk, a slap back to their senses, or just someone to sit and listen.

Raul doesn't like food that has no flavoring. His taste buds are dulled after all the liquor and hot sauce and spicy foods he's eaten, and flavorless things are just nasty to him.

It takes him a while to fall asleep. He'll have an arm locked around you and his eyes with just follow the ceiling fan that moves too slow.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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