Preference #15

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This is just the guys' worst habits.

He burps and spits in public. You slap his arm and tell him to stop and he'll just say 'What? It's a bodily function!' You know damn well it ain't no bodily function.

It isn't even chems. You thought that's what it would be, for sure, but he has really bad fidgety fingers. He'll tap and twirl his knife or do whatever. He has to have something in his hands at all times.

Nick smokes too much, but he doesn't have lungs. It actually makes it worse, because he has this one synthetic piece that is covered in grime from smoking, and he has to get it cleaned out and it costs a shit ton of caps.

Deacon is always going places and so are you. He'll skip out on breakfast, and then be so overwhelmed with work that he'll just... forget to eat.

He has a bad habit of cracking his knuckles. The Scientists tell him to stop because it has the chance of making his fingers or wrists freeze up or hesitate on the battlefield.

Preston is a lip biter/picker. He'll be looking over a map and subconsciously pick at his bottom lip until it bleeds or bit it until it's raw.

Sturges talks to himself. It's only when he's working. He'll tell himself how to do things so he makes sure he does them right.

Gage has a really bad trigger finger. The two of you will be walking, and you'll step on a twig and he'll fire his weapon, scaring the shit out of you so you do the same and it goes back and forth until you two realize you've both just wasted ammo.

Because of his anxiety, when sitting, he bounces his heel up and down on the ground. He laughs and calls it his knee-bounce, claiming it's the only reason he isn't overweight.

Danse snacks nonstop, even when he's not hungry. He says that's why he works out so much, not just because he has to be fit to be in the Brotherhood. It saddened you a little, but you realized you do the same thing.

He doesn't drink enough water. He's so focused on his work and whatnot, you have to set an alarm for him to remind him to drink when you aren't there to tell him.

He forgets to breathe. He's choked twice, but you've been there to teach him how to breathe. He's got the hang of it now, but it used to be a big issue.

Nail biting. You two will be sitting down, and you'll be telling him a scouting plan or having a deep conversation with him, and he'll be gnawing on his fingers. He only does it when he's thinking.

Gob spaces out from time to time. You'll tell him something, and realize he hadn't heard a word you said because he was busy thinking about what would have happened if he's said something else.

Charon has bad posture. It's mostly because of his uncomfortable height, seeing as he practically has to crouch with you due to your adventures and where they take you.

Arcade has a bad habit of asking if you're mad at him. He asks so many times, you eventually just have to show him you love him, since words obviously don't suffice.

Boone doesn't get enough sleep. He's always perched up somewhere sniping or having nightmares. You try to pull him to bed with you, and he'll stay because he doesn't want to bother you.

He isn't aware of his surroundings. He's not clumsy, just unaware. He'll ask you were a pencil is when there's one on the desk he's sitting at.

Benny, while hunched over his desk, twirls and tugs on his black hair. You joke that he'll look like a ghoul if he keeps it up, but he does it anyways.

He goes around the truth. If you ask, "Where were you last night?" He'll say "The Casino" but he won't specify which one. He managed to dart around direct answers, and you have to ask a million questions to figure anything out.

Dean drinks too much. He's not constantly intoxicated, but you tell him he needs to stop because there's nothing in the Sierra Madre to help him if he gets badly sick.

Yes Man
He's a perfectionist. That's why likes you, because in his eyes, you're perfect.

He smokes and drinks. He smokes these big, bulky cigars and drinks whiskey right from the bottle. You don't care too much, but you don't know any decent mechanics in the Mojave, and tell him to watch himself.

Ten of Spades
He's too self-conscious. He feels like people will know he has a stutter before he even opens his mouth, and often asks you to go ask people things so that he doesn't have too.

He grinds his teeth in his sleep. It's a sign of anxiety, and you told him that, but he ignored you.

Joshua's very sedentary, and you can't blame him. He'll stay still for hours on end reloading guns or reading, and you have to remind him to stand up and walk around, even though it gives him a round of shots for pain.

It's extremely hot in Zion, and he's always working or focused on other things, so you're always with him, with an extra bottle of water in your bag for him. He won't drink unless reminded, and he actually passed out once.

He interrupts you. You usually don't notice, but he does and he'll apologize and you'll have forgotten what you were talking about. You'll just chuckle and change the subject.

Dr. O
He sleeps too much. He'll sleep as much as 10 hours every night, and that's just a casual rest. When he sleeps, he won't wake naturally. He has to be woken up, or god knows how long he'd sleep.

Dr. Klein
He's always working. He drinks more whiskey than he does water, and hardly gets any sleep. This synth's bad habits line up around the corner and down the street.

Dr. Mobius
He really is a smart guy, but he's let himself go. Not physically as much as mentally. He hasn't done an experiments in so long, he pretty much forgot how.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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