Preference #34

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This is their reaction when they find out you're working with/helping out another faction.

MacCready didn't care about any of the factions, seeing as he was only there for personal, private buisness. He certainly wasn't happy when you decided to do something for the Minutemen before helping him, though.

Hancock's heart broke when you told him you were with the Brotherhood of the Steel. You knew it would be a rock in your relationship, and told him before things got too serious. He didn't speak to you for a week, before realizing he couldn't stay away longer.

He wasn't mad. You told him about your siding with the Brotherhood. You told him you still loved him, and didn't agree with their belief's about Synths. You told him it was only because they were the ones with the firepower to make a difference. He wasn't mad. Just heavily disappointed.

You told Deacon you were with the Brotherhood, and he went silent for the first time in his life. He asked if you were joking time after time, and didn't believe you until you brought Danse to Desdemona to try to form an alliance of some sorts.

You told him you were helping the Minutemen in your spare time, and for the first time in his life, he was confused. He was very unsure about why you'd waste time on 'already doomed surface-dwellers'.

Siding with the Institute tore Preston in two. He already had a hard time trusting people, and you made it harder. You took over after Father, and after seeing you changed the Institute for the better, he accepted you again, and you lived in Sanctuary with him.

When you told Sturges about how you were with the Brotherhood, you thought he wouldn't mind. He told you to leave them, and it broke out into an argument... He actually cried, and confessed to being a synth. You immediately hugged him and refused to help the Brotherhood any longer.

Telling Gage you were with the Minutemen, made him frown. He asked why, and you two had a very verbal, very loud argument about it, lasting hours. You told him you were still trying to pick a side, and it only added gasoline to the fire.

Travis didn't really mind, so long as Diamond City was okay. He disliked the Institute, but who didn't? With him, you weren't involved with the factions, only with your love for him, and for your home.

You told Danse you were with The Railroad right before he  discovered he was a Synth. He exposed their ignorance to you, and after finding out he was a Synth, became a little more quiet about the situation. 

Being the Elder of the Brotherhood, he was very very upset after Danse told him he saw you talking to a Railroad spy with sunglasses. Arthur was outraged, and banished you immediately. You walked back into the Prydwen, badass as ever, and after a year, convinced him to make The Railroad an ally.

He didn't get much into factions and whatnot, but he was a fan of the Minutemen. When he found out that you'd been dealing to Raiders at a high price, he was very upset, and didn't want you getting hurt. He demanded you stop, and you'd never seen him so angry before.

There weren't really factions in the Wasteland, but he heard about how you did some Mercenary work, and was very concerned, thinking the person was speaking of someone different, but that shared your name. You confessed, and he made you swear that it was behind you.

Gob didn't give a shit about your affairs, so long as it didn't hurt you, him, or your relationship. You were happy, and to him, that's all that mattered.

He was your lover. He was happy with you, if you were happy with him. You two were your own faction, and undoubtedly the most powerful one.

You told him how you were trading with the Legion, and he immediately began scolding you, drilling you about how they were bad to get involved with. He was very upset with you. After you tied up loose ends with some Legionnaires, you quit.

You told Boone if your Legion relations, and he shot you without hesitation.

You were affiliated with the Legion. It was when you were young, and stupid, but what was done was done. Raul was disappointed, but said that what happened in the past should be left in that past, and that he was proud of you for making the right choice of leaving them.

You told Benny about how you did some donations for the NCR, and he chugged a beer before turning his back on you and saying he needed rest. You didn't see what the big deal was, but didn't need him pissy, so you cut them off.

You were suddenly raking in cash, more than usual, and it alarmed him. He asked what was up, and after some coaxing, you admitted to doing some mercenary work for Mr. House. Swank wasn't mad, but he asked if your conscience was alright.

There were no factions in the Madre, but you told him how you were on Elijah's side before he went crazy. He didn't mind, seeing as you were smart enough to cut him off when things went south.

Yes Man
You told him how you'd helped the Legion on a short mission to kill Kimball (which Yes Man wanted anyway), and he became very worried. For a week afterwards, he kept you surrounded by guards, which paid off when Caesar sent an assassin out because you 'knew too much'.

He didn't like you helping out the Powder Gangers here and there, but your alliance with them was the only thing keeping them from blowing Goodsprings off the map. Victor kept his mouth shut about it.

Ten of Spades
He heard about some past affiliation of yours with a Legion soldier, and questioned you about it. You teared up and told him to try to keep it on a low profile because it was a part of your past that you would've loved to forget.

He heard that you got into buisness with NCR, but you told him it was for tactical reasons, so it would benefit the Legion in the long run. It was true, but he didn't care. He didn't want you dealing with them, and made Caesar get someone else to do it.

He heard that you were with the Legion before even knowing you. By then, you had already fallen head over heels for him, and planned to stay in Zion, cutting off all ties with Caesar and his dogs.

He heard that you were born a White Leg, but raised by the New Canaanites after being abandoned somewhere. He just smiled and said that the New Canaanites were good people, and that he missed them very much.

Ulysses disliked you helping anyone besides yourself. Anytime someone helped out a faction, they ended up being locked in for life, whether it was by their side, or being hunted down.

Dr. O
There weren't really factions, but when you found out tat you wee giving mugs to Muggy, he was a little miffed about it.

Dr. Klein
You helped Mobius out with a thing or two, seeing as he was really a sweetheart, and Klein's face flushed, and he politely asked that you don't speak to Mobius. You refused, and he, again, asked politely. He eventually had to demand it, and put your job on the line.

Dr. Mobius
You help Klein? Wow, what a good person you are. You help Dala? Cool! You help O? Nice! Help 8? Cool beans! You help Borous? Neato! He could care less who you helped, and loved that you were so kind.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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