Preference #37

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Warning: NSFW
This one is basically how they are in bed.

He's very creative. He'll ask something, and ask for consent to try it, and most of the time, it's very pleasurable. Especially that thing he did with the mutfruit. That night was rowdy as fuck.

Half the time, Hancock is just admiring you. He'll have you under him, and he'll just pull away and smile because god he loved you, and what could get better than this? You'd have to remind him what the two of you were doing, and he'd shake his head a little before going back to showing you who was boss.

Nick is very serious, and shows you that he loves you through his actions. He'll kiss you sweetly, then remember that you're human, and have to breath, so then he'll do something else with his lips.

Deacon is very outgoing with it. He'll moan your name like there's no tomorrow, and when Des, making conversation, asks what he did last night, he'll just point at you and wink.

Rough and rowdy. You're Institute designated room is soundproof, so you two have done just about everything in the book.

Preston made a point to tell you he loved you anytime he could. He was very worried that you'd think he was just going to use you and throw you away. You, of course, didn't think that, but that didn't stop him from reminding you that he would never.

Sturges looks like a buff god, but in bed, he's all soft and sweet. He'll complement you the whole time, and you'll just melt and fall in love with him all over again.

Gage is agonizingly slow with everything. He liked to see you squirm under him until he gives you want you want. He'll trail his hands really softly over your sides and whatnot. He's all about building things up.

Travis never knows if he's doing anything right. You assure him he is, but he'll still ask you just in case. It's actually because he wants to know you're comfortable with his actions.

Danse is always a blushing mess under you, instead of vice versa. You'll kiss down his chest and do whatever you like with him, and because he can get no words out, he'll only moan in reply to your choices of doing.

He's very loud, and encourages you to be the same way. He says it's because he wants everyone to know that he's yours and that you're his, but you think he secretly wants to sleep deprive his men.

He's very curious about everything. He's a synth now, and had never had first hand experience with anything. You taught him everything, and told him what you liked, and after a few practice rounds, he could do it almost perfectly.

Butch is trial and error. He'll ask you to try something new almost every week, and you gladly do. Some things work out, some don't. Either way, you two enjoy yourselves.

Gob always asks you if everything is okay. He asks too many questions. He'll ask if he should or shouldn't be doing this or that, but once you tell him to let his instincts take over, oh boy.

Charon is very very very dominate. Not in a way that would make you feel unsafe or anything, but it's just how he naturally is. He's quiet because he only wants to hear you, and is all about giving you what you want, when you want it.

Arcade is always too nervous to make the first move, so you always have to get the spark going. Once he's all hot and ready though, he'll pin you down so fast, you're amazed he got the door locked.

Boone is very quick. Both, to reach his peak, and yours. He says that you both get the pleasure you want, while still having time to do other things, which you're perfectly fine with.

He's jittery. His thrusts will stutter when he's about to cum, and his knees tend to buckle when you are. Still, he has experience, and he certainly shows it.

Benny is all about you. He simply refuses to get anything, and is always down to give everything. He'll do whatever you ask, yet he's the dominant one.

He doesn't bother to hide his noises, which is a huge turn on. He'll moan your name without second thoughts, and he'll let you take control whenever you want.

You and Dean have all the time in the world, together in the Madre. He knows that as well as you do, so you take things slow, and go as hard or soft and as loud or quiet as you'd like. It's not like you have to worry about disturbing anyone else. Except Christina, who just shuts herself in the basement and internally screams until the two of you are done.

Yes Man
You two are very sloppy, to put it short. You two will be walking to the room and trip, and just end up going at it on the floor. You'll roll off the bed and pretend nothing happened and continue.

Fuck. There's no other way to say it, but fuck this synth can somehow just get so damn sexy. His voice becomes husky and his hips work like magic, just like his fingers.

Ten of Spades
He was always so nervous. He was afraid of messing up, or that someone would walk in, or that you guys would be ambushed or something like that. He was always jumpy unless he felt like things were 10,000% alright.

He's very open about having sex with you. So far, you've done it everywhere except a bed. He just laughs and says he wants to see what he can get away with. You two locked the arena door and got it on. At midnight, you did it in the slaves kitchen on one of the tables. The two of you even got it on in Caesar's throne at one point!

(Pre-Toastified) You and Joshua go at it like horny raccoons. Whenever you're alone, he's immediately on you. Of course, he refused to do anything sexual with you until you got married, but afterwards, he quickly did what he wanted with you.

He actually lost his virginity to you, but the first time, you pretty much just showed him the basics and what to do. He was eventually able to keep up without instruction, and he wasn't half bad. He was almost always blushing though.

Ulysses knew what he was doing. He made you speechless and you two were so passionate when going at it. He makes everything absolutely surreal.

Dr. O
You guys aren't needed much around the labs, so you two have plenty of time to fuck. He's very good at getting in your pants, and he's an amazing kisser.

Dr. Klein
You two were almost always busy, but after a bit of teasing it's pretty easy to get him hot and bothered. You two usually fuck in his lab on his desk. He's very much into foreplay, and can usually make you cum once before even undressing himself.

Dr. Mobius
He's amazing. He knows how to move his fingers for you, he knows the spot to hit, and he knows exactly how you like being kissed. From the first time you guys had sex, he just knew.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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