Preference #16

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This is just how they are when fighting with you, and what they do afterwards.

MacCready gets very huffy in a fight, and is usually proven wrong with facts. He'll sort of just leave for a day or two to recollect his thoughts, but he always comes back to you.

Hancock drinks himself into the ground or smokes himself out. He thinks about the entire deal too much because he's never had trouble with a relationship like yours. You're his first serious relationship, and he's trying his best.

Nick always forgives/apologizes immediately. If not, then he'll work to get the entire thing off of his mind.

You and Deacon rarely fight, but when you do, he's very calm during the whole thing. He's calm and you usually can't help but love him. It's impossible to stay mad at a grown man that sticks his tongue out at you.

He is very cold when fighting, and will only speak to you in one word answers until you apologize. Then he apologizes and the two of you go out and kill rogue's together.

Preston gets over emotional about it because he says you and his pals are all he's got left and he doesn't want to lose you. He'll usually end it in tearing up, which makes your heart hurt. A fight never lasts between you two.

Sturges gets pink in the face. He's very physical when mad, but not in such a way to hurt you. You were arguing while he was working, and he gripped his wrench with white knuckles as his face contorted into a frown. It makes you worry about him accidentally hurting himself so you usually apologize.

Gage isn't one to verbally fight. He knows your position, and that you're higher than him, so what you say is law. Therefore, he never even starts an argument.

Travis always gets scared if you or anyone else raises their voice at him. He'll shrink into a ball and hug himself until you calm. He never fights back because he's afraid he'll hurt your feelings.

Danse doesn't get hotheaded, but gets stern. He tries to use facts instead of how he feels about the situation, and that's usually what upsets you. He keeps a steady expression and temper.

Maxson gets stressed out when you two fight. He says he doesn't need anymore on his plate, so you'll feel bad and pull him to bed to sleep to try and relax his nerves.

Fighting usually leads to you shouting, and when you do, he sort of just shrinks. It immediately makes you feel bad, so you apologize and hug him.

You and Butch have held actual knives to each other's throats on more than one occasion. He'll usually say something coy and the two of you go to bed to forgive each other because you're young and know no other way to deal.

Gob cooks ferociously when you two fight. He knows you love food, so he'll cook to soothe you.

Charon doesn't argue with you. Whenever he can see friction upcoming, even if it's between you and a stranger, he'll stop and take the time to tell you how the situation will play out. In his silence, he thinks before he does.

Arcade's face always flushes because he says you're more attractive when upset. The two of you usually argue over supplies or how to treat a patient.

Boone ignores you, which only upsets you further. He disappeared for a week once, but came back, never giving any credit to what happened. He just forgets it ever happened.

When you two fight, it upsets him, because you're the only person he has left. After fighting, he's always the first to apologize, and usually offers you a date night so you can forgive him.

Benny never leaves. You thought he would because he's just a flighty person, but he stays. You think it's just to piss you off.

He finds it sexy when you get upset, and doesn't bother hiding what he's feeling. You two usually have 'I'm sorry' sex right after a fight.

Dean will lock himself in his room and sleep it off so he can calm down. He says it's an Old-World thing called a depression nap, and you'll occasionally sneak in and cuddle his subconscious self.

Yes Man
Yes Man immediatly breaks down when he thinks he's hurt you or if he even imagines you being upset with him and ignoring him. Your fights disintegrate before they start thanks to his positivity.

Victor will leave and go sit at the bar. He won't drink or eat, he'll just sit at a booth and try to clear his mind up and cool off some before trying to figure out what the issue was.

Ten of Spades
You two don't fight. He's sensitive, and you know that. You two never fight. Literally, never. You agree on so much, and his temper is through the floor and he never disagrees with you.

Vulpes always heads to the arena to blow off some steam when the two of you fight. He'll tear up the dummy, and his knuckles. Then he'll go back to you so you can clean him up.

Joshua become silent. He'll step out at night and just look at the stars, silently thinking about how to avoid that from happening again and what started it.

He cries. He does that whenever anyone shouts at him because it immediately makes him think that he messed up somehow. You always apologize and take him into your arms.

Ulysses will just ignore you. He's good at tuning people out. It usually just makes you realize that what you're yelling at him about is stupid and you'll apologize. He'll just say that it's strong to apologize, because if no one apologizes, a war is bound to start.

He's always getting proven wrong, and hates it. He'll just get all huffy and cross his arms, not saying anything because he knows that if he does, you'll give back a smart reply.

Dr. Klein
He drinks. He likes doing that anyways, but he'll disappear for the night, get drunk, then come up on your doorstop, which forces you to take care of him.

Dr. Mobius
When you guys fight, he sobers up, so he can think more clearly and solve the issue that was brought up. Sometimes he doesn't even remember the fight, which has a tendency to piss you off.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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