(SFW Alphabet) Arcade Gannon

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SFW Alphabet.

He isn't a huge fan of being casually touched, but if you want to kiss his cheek or do small things, he's fine with that.

Best Friend
He has a few acquaintances, but you're still the only person he can genuinely relax and joke around with.

It's usually too hot, and you sleep on separate cots, but in winter he likes to cuddle up, even if he won't say so.

He'd love to settle down with his spouse one day, preferably in Freeside, near the Mormon Fort.

He can be selfish when cutting things off with someone, but it's probably for the best. He'll tell them what changed, what they did that he didn't like, and how he hopes they can stay on decent terms.

He doesn't want to say anything but he'd really love to have a big wedding someday. He doesn't even care if there's a crowd, he just wants a decent wedding.

He's naturally a gentle person. Arcade has steady hands and a soft touch.

He doesn't like giving hugs, but he is definitely a strong shoulder to lean on. He isn't too good with affection.

I Love You
Arcade didnt say it first, and sometimes he doesn't say it back. Saying it makes him realize that he really is in love, and that he would be devastated to lose you.

He doesn't get jealous if he sees you talking to another man. He usually just thinks, "About time." (He secretly gets super self-conscious though.)

His favorite kisses are the ones he gets from you when he's stressed. If he's hunched over his desk practically tugging his hair out, he likes when you come up behind him and kiss his neck.

Little Things
Arcade is a really easy guy to please. When his lover does the smallest things it makes him fall further in love. You make his coffee the right way? Oh well. Guess he has to marry you now.

He's surprisingly a morning person. It's always cooler in the mornings that midday and even night, but he's more energetic, if he's gotten the proper amount of sleep.

The dark makes him anxious, so he just prefers to be in the light (even though he tends to sunburn easily).

He's very open. He's blunt and it scares most people off. You approach him with, "Hey, how are you?" And he goes, "Uhh... My dad left."

Arcade is patient in some situations. If he's waiting for the truth to come out, he's patient. If he's waiting for his coffee to finish brewing, he's pacing and tugging his own hair out.

He's smart and (basically) has a photographic memory. He knows almost anything. Except where the speakers are for a doorbell.

He likes setting out jars and bringing them in afterwards. Arcade likes trying to grow things in the radioactive rain and seeing how it effects plant growth.

Arcade is a damned good shot with a plasma gun. He can shoot better than he can see, and if he's forced to fight with fists, he really doesn't even try.

He doesn't. If you leave him, you leave him. He's really not sure why you still bother to stick around and deal with him at all.

Ugly Habits
Arcade basically has every nervous tick. Hair pulling, nail biting, hyperventilating, rambling, etc.

Arcade really likes how he looks. He thinks he has a handsome face and a strong jaw, but he hates how tall he is. His legs are too long and he feels like he's too skinny.

He hates winter as much as any other guy. Who would like a season that pushes your balls up to your stomach?

X-tra (Random HC)
To make up for lack of affection, he is a very good listener and when he's not being sarcastic, he actually gives really good life advice.

Slimy stuff. He might be a scientist/doctor, but anything with the consistency of jam/jelly makes his stomach do somersaults.

Arcade needs his sleep, or else he's a jumpy, anxious wreck. At the same time, he sleep deprives himself if he's caught up on a problem he can't solve and whatnot.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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