(NSFW Alphabet) Dr. Mobius

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NSFW Alphabet.

Mobius' version of aftercare is more mental than physical, like sharing a blunt and just relaxing. With that, he believes physical aftercare comes.

Body Part
He isn't too specific, but he likes when his partner has nice legs. His definition of nice legs, though, are all legs.

He always cums first and he isn't ashamed about it in the least. Mobius thinks it just shows how good his partner is in bed.

Dirty Secret
He's always wanted to dabble a bit more into bondage. Nothing heavy, but it's something that's caught his interest.

He'll have little to no experience. Mobius is just more focused on other things. Things that aren't sex.

Favorite Position
He liked any position that allows him to see as much of his partners body as possible. That usually means missionary, or "cowgirl" style.

He'll occasionally make a coy remark, but it's never silly or anything like that. It's more confident and demeaning than anything.

Mobius, personally, grows a lot of body hair. He had hair on his chest, legs, face, just about everywhere. For his partner, he really has no  preference, they just can't have more body hair than he does.

Mobius starts slow and intimate, becomes rough and cruel, and ends with slow and intimate.

Jack Off
He will if his testosterone builds up with no showing of any other way to be released. Mobius prefers to stuff his dick into something warm, though.

Mobius likes the usual stuff. He enjoys hardcore stuff, but he somehow makes it gentle. Light choking, light bondage, light foreplay, light teasing, etc.

He prefers a bed, because he's high 60% of the times you guys have sex. Mobius being walked in on butt-naked with his partner bent over a bathroom sink is a fantasy no one has ever possessed.

He thinks sex is an act done out of love rather than animalistic drive, so when he wants to have sex is whenever he gets a deep surge of love/adoration for someone.

Anything that's too public makes him uncomfortable, as does talking about your personal sex life with other people, even if they're your best friends.

He has a beard, so he rarely does oral in fear of getting certain liquids stuck in it. Still, whenever he plans on trimming up or shaving, he makes sure you get your fair share.

If he's high, it's more slow, steady, and intimate. If he's sober, it's more rough and hard, but there's always more aftercare (on both ends! Doms/Tops need aftercare too!).

If it's in a semi-private place where he isn't worried about being caught, then yes, he's always down for a quickie.

He personally doesn't enjoy risk (he just doesn't get off on it), but if his partner does, he'll try his hardest to accommodate their needs.

When he's high, he has no limits and no stopping point. Sober, his stamina his slightly decreased.

He doesn't get jealous of sex toys or anything like that, so he enjoys using them on his partner, and having them used on himself.

Everything seems unfair, since his main focus is almost always on his partner. Still, he's happy, and you're happy, so it's fair!

Mobius is personally quiet in bed and loud outside of it. He's more into whispering in his lovers ear, and quietly moaning rather than screaming in pleasure. That's for his partner to do.

Wild Card
Tattoo's are a turn-on for him. He think it adds character.

Uncut, average length, and above average girth.

His sexual yearnings come when they please. If his partner does something that makes him fall in love with them all over again, he gets the urge to bend them over.

He doesn't sleep a lot anyways, so why would he sleep after sex? He cleans his partner and insists they do just that.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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