Preference #32

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This is what their favorite food is (that you can make for them).

He's a pasta boy! You can make him any and every type of noodle, and he'll eat it like it's his last meal! Though in the Commonwealth, you never know...

There's this type of alcoholic beverage you can make that he is head over heels for! He'll be upset, and you'll just say the words "Cherry Lemon" And he'll immediately be happy! It's just a mix of Bobrov moonshine, and mutfruit, but he doesn't have to know that.

He doesn't really need to eat, but you can usually make him something consisting of Coolant and Oil with a bit of adhesive that seems to please him.

Deacon is an absolute slut for breakfast food. His favorite being bacon. He'll sometimes joke about how that's his last name.

Bad bitches dont need food.

Waffles. He likes them with syrup, or mutfruit, or even strawberries, when you can find them!

Any type of meat! His favorite is Mirelurk meat, which is rare. He says he only fell in love with it after you made some especially for him.

Gage likes anything that's easy to make, making him a big fan of Sugar Bombs and milk.

Travis likes the sweet stuff you make him. He likes when you melt Old-World chocolate, and coat it over mutfruit slices! You like it too, and only make it on holidays.

Anything green. He is a firm believer in what he calls 'vegetables' and 'health'. So you learned to make him a type of salad that didn't have too much radiation.

He likes the seafood you manage to find for him. You brought back some stuff from Far Harbor just for him, and that's how he knew he loved you.

He likes anything really, but he's actually a huge fan of greens. It usually leads to you making something healthy for him, then something different for yourself.

He's a down and dirty boy for sweet rolls. Especially the homemade ones you learned to make from a recipe you found back in your vault!

After working for Moriarty, Gob likes anything that isn't traditionally served in a bar.

He has no opinion. He says everything tastes the same. If anything, he loves watching you cook the food more than eating it.

Arcade likes anything sweet. Not fruit, but candy. Specifically anything that has the consistency of a sucker, so he can pop it into his mouth and get back to work.

Anything salty! You found him some chips, and whenever you go scavenging, he'll tell you to keep an eye out for them!

He likes Mexican food. He likes anything spicy, and is a fan of peppers. You've actually started growing some in your backyard, and he'll rinse them off and eat them just like that.

Brownies. You joke and call him a brownie-hound, but he ignores you and eats nearly the entire pan in a matter of minutes!

Breakfast food. He likes waffles more than pancakes, because he has a personality and good taste.

He likes anything you put effort into. You haven't found out his favorite food yet, but he just winks and says it's you.

Yes Man
Macaroni! He loves watching you cook, and the smell that fills the house and his brand new senses!

He likes the hamburger you make for him, but only if it's grilled. He likes anything grilled, or anything cooked over a fire.

Ten of Spades
There's this Old-World food you make for him called "pizza". He loves it more whenever you put a lot of cheese on it.

He likes soup because he can just drink his food in a matter of seconds, and then get on his way. He says it's easy and ideal, and that's what he likes.

Anything that doesn't require heat. He doesn't like to eat hot stuff, and you could imagine why. He really likes ice cream or popsicles.

He really likes anything that's bland. Most tribals use a shit ton of spices on everything, and he got tired of it quickly. There aren't many options in Zion, but he likes to keep things simple.

Ulysses likes anything salty. He likes whenever you make him something bland like mashed potatoes, then pass him some salt to let him put as much as he wants on it.

Dr. O
He likes anything that doesn't have to be cooked, just because he's too lazy to cook anything. He likes sandwiches and canned peaches and chips and whatnot.

Dr. Klein
He likes meat. Bacon, ham, steak. Any type of meat, is his type of meal. Chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs included, of course.

Dr. Mobius
He dines like a fucking ninja turtle, like John Mulaney in college. He ate pizza and almost never drank water.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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