Preference #3

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This is what instrument he hypothetically plays.

As said before, your beautiful man is a Banjo Boy. He plays when waiting on a rooftop or when trying to tire himself out. His own music calms him, and keeps him busy.

Bass. It annoys Daisy and every one else because they say it's too loud, so, naturally, he hooked it up to an old pair of speakers and nearly gave his guards a heart attack when he struck a chord.

Grand Piano. Nick has a piano in your shared garage as though it were drums, and is extremely good at playing anything you give him. Something about how he was programmed with the ability to read music sheets. Don't know why.

Maraca's. He says he's had them for a long time, and has painted over them every time he reconstructed his face. He said they were a tether to his soul, and would willingly change with him. Also because he can annoy the shit out of Desdemona by shaking them furiously at her during a lecture.

A Clarinet. The Institute made it for him after a request. It was made special for him, being a sleek white. It's a nice contrast against his coat, and it's nice to watch him play. He gets everything correct to the precise point and pressure, and it sounds heavenly.

Ukulele all the way. He likes it because he calls it a 'gentle guitar'. He also likes to sneak it places in a bag so he can whip it out at any time. He mostly plays it because it's a more quiet, peaceful instrument.

Drums. He played without pads for a while, but it was so loud that Preston eventually had to get him a set with pads on them so that he could play but still be quiet at midnight. You write out his notes for him, and the two of you will stay up however late you must to finish what you're doing.

A simple guitar. He likes to kick his feet up over the amusement park, lean back in his chair, and strum until he can't anymore. People say his fingers are so rough because of holding guns, but it's from holding his instruments strings down.

Travis is good at playing a Tuba. He says he learned it because it's a very awkward instrument to be around, and that made him feel attached to it, mostly because he's a very awkward person to be around.

Danse plays a piccolo. When he found it, he said it was an old-world technology that must be protected by him, and him alone. When you laughed and told him what it actually was, he blew into it. When it made a horrid scratchy noise, he instantly fell in love and wanted to master it.

Cello. He says it's because it's a large violin (it's not), which he claims to be symbolistic. Something along the lines of, 'This fantastic beauty is above average, like me. It's mine now.'

He plays the violin, but he doesn't plat it loud, or intimidating. He likes playing it peacefully, and it actually helps some people sleep.

Symbols. When you guys were younger, he only did it to piss you off, but when you were reunited and moved together in Megaton, he got his hands on numerous of them. Different shapes, sizes, and metals. He had a drum set consisted entirely of Symbols. He certainly didn't sound good, but seeing him happy to create chaos was nice. It made the world feel right. Especially when the neighbors yelled to keep it down.

Gob likes messing around with a bunch of empty beer bottles, blowing the tops to make noises and clinking spoons to the side of them.

Charon plays a Harmonica. It's small, and absolutely hilarious to see such a tall man with such a small, delicate, shiny instrument. He played it only when the night was perfect. Like when the two of you are sitting by a fire without a cloud in the sky. That's his Harmonica mood.

Arcade plays a Trumpet because he likes to blo- I mean... because he says it's sleek and simple, much like himself, which is the truth. He likes playing flat notes to test them out. The longest he's held a note is ten seconds.

Boone plays a tambourine. However, he plays it extremely blandly, doing the same seven beats until he gets bored and starts over. It helps him think, and after a few months, you don't mind it so much.

He never cared for music, but he has a pair of maracas his sister gave him that he keeps on his dresser, in the back of his shack.

Shockingly, Benny can play the accordion to any tune you tell him. One day, the two of you were talking in his room, and he made you swear not to tell anyone before showing his 'baby' to you. No one knew except for you, to this day.

He can play the kazoo. Not very well, but he has a good time playing it, so that's what really matters.

Domino is an expert with a Xylophone. He says he plays it because it's colorful like his personality, but in reality, it's because he found it in a trash bin, and wanted to restore it as you had restored him.

Yes Man
Yes Man is in love with his Flute. He says it makes him feel special like he can attract birds or something. He claims it's a reference to the Old-World, where princesses would sing and attract woodland creatures. He has yet to do so, seeing as they're extinct.

He plays a guitar. It's old and beat up because he found it way in the back of his shed, hidden with the rest of his original creator's items.

Ten of Spades
He plays the piano, but he seems to stutter on some of the keys. He's still learning, and he's having the time of his life doing so, and that's all that matters.

Violin. It is elegant, yet extremely loud and intimidating, much like himself. He plays it whenever he's upset because even just tuning it calms him down.

Joshua can play the Harp. It was enchanting, watching him play. He couldn't for a while, because of his fingers, but he built up an immunity to the constant pain in his fingertips. He says he only knows how to play because he used to play one while his people sang songs of his Lord. He was amazed he remembered how, when you first brought it to him.

He plays the ukulele. He can play guitar as well, after learning, but a ukulele is much much easier to hide from Joshua than a guitar would be.

Ulysses can play the drums, but only the tribal kind. He's pretty good at finding a beat and a decent rhythm, and his variety in taste has a vast range.

Dr. O
He can play the pots and pans. He does that a lot, if he's doing dishes or if he's making food. It's a talent of his.

Dr. Klein
He used to be able to play the cello, but whenever he was synthesized, his cello was all dusty and out of tune. He wanted to restore it, but it had a rat living in it so... that didn't work out too well.

Dr. Mobius
He could play the flute with his nose, and that was definitely rad!

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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