Preference #87

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This is their reaction when you tell them that you want to settle down with them.

Knowing you, he was a little shocked, because you loved traveling. Still, he was happy because he saw it as an opportunity for you, him, and Duncan, to be more of a family.

He was okay with it, as long as you could still travel a little here and there. He wanted to keep to Goodneighbor, though, which you were fine with.

He was fine with buying a house for the two of you, but he told you that his work required him to travel, and that he would be gone (sometimes for days on end), but that he would also try his best to stick to you.

Deacon scoffed and asked if you were serious. Traveling was his job, and he loved doing it with you. You guys made a deal, and stuck together out in the Commonwealth for a few more years until he got tired of it, then you settled down in Sanctuary.

He said that he would, but that he didn't really understand the concept of "settling down". In the Institute, everyone was already settled, with their own rooms and food and jobs and whatnot.

Preston loved the idea, and found it meaningful that you loved him that much, but at the same time, he still told you that some settlements needed help, and that someone had to help them.

Sturges said that he was perfectly fine with it. He liked the idea of settling down with his loved one. He was a sit-by-the-fire-cuddling kind of guy anyways.

Gage didn't care so long as you let him go in the arena sometimes. He was always hungry for violence, but other than that, he was fine with staying in one spot.

Travis had been pestering you about it for a year or so, and he was excited. He was set on getting a serious home somewhere and starting a family.

Danse was never prepared to retire, and when the day came, you retired with him. You both moved out to a chunk of flat land and tended a garden and held your own ground.

He could never settle down, not until his business was done. That's what he told you, and you both argued pretty seriously about it for a while. Eventually he agreed, but said that he needed a little bit more time.

He was perfectly fine with that, and wondered if it meant that you were going to propose to him soon.

Butch was okay with it as you guys got older. You and him both enjoyed exploring and kicking ass though, and you did just that until you felt like you'd had enough.

Gob was confused and thought that you two had already settled down.

It made Charon uncomfortable. He had been traveling most of his life. It was pretty much all he knew, because staying anywhere for too long made him paranoid.

He was okay with it so long as he could continue experimenting with stuff. You allowed it.

He was okay as long as you were flexible with it. He liked the idea of finally being able to be at rest, but at the same time, the thought of taking out more Legionnaires ailed him.

He chuckled and asked why you didn't say so sooner. He was happy and immediately started planning out what you guys could put in your home and whatnot.

He clicked his tongue and said that if you didn't like the fast lane, he wasn't the one for you. He informed you that he planned on going hard until he was cold and dead.

He asked what you meant. He thought you two were settled right now, because all he did was stand in one spot all day frisking people, and you were in charge of the casino. He asked if you meant you wanted to move or have kids or what.

He laughed elegantly and said that it was impossible for you two to get more 'settled' than you already were.

Yes Man
He was giddy and made a deal with you. If he agreed to settling down, you had to get him a dog. It worked out.

He laughed and asked what you meant. He thought you meant having kids and doing all of that good stuff. He didn't mind, but he wanted a horse and crops and stuff so he could busy himself.

Ten of Spades
He said that he was still trying to forgive himself for what happened to Betsy, so he wouldn't settle until he was forced to retire. You understood, and stood by his side.

He was flattered, but said that he had a duty to his men, and to himself. You said that you understood, but he could tell it bothered you. He cupped your cheek and told you that he loved the idea, but that now wasn't the time.

Joshua was happy, because Zion really was a good place to settle down, and he thought that you'd finally find the peace you were longing for in the clear waters and under the warm sun.

In his tribe, to settle down, was to be a leader. The leaders stayed in caves, and everyone else had children and hunted and whatnot. There was no such thing as settling down.

He didn't like the idea of staying put, since he liked to wander and discover things, but he understood, and, for you, he was willing to give it a shot.

Dr. O
He laughed and asked if you were serious. You were both in your late twenties, with good jobs, and a good functioning social life and whatnot. It was too early for either of you.

Dr. Klein
He felt bad. Settling down sounded amazing to him, but he was a workaholic, and didn't deny it. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, saying he'd think about it.

Dr. Mobius
He was curious about it. He asked if he could get a free trial on settling down, just to see if it was something that would work for you both.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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