Preference #89

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This is what turns them off.

Lack of enthusiasm. He wants you to be into it whenever he is, and sometimes that means waiting a few hours until you are turned on at the same time as one another.

It's a turn off when someone won't take a complement, and return one to him instead. He glares at them and demands they agree that they're hair looks good or their nails look fresh.

He doesn't like when you have other things on your mind when you're having a moment together. It bothers him because he wishes he could take your stress away.

Deacon gets turned off when people do nothing but complain. He'll just sit there and think, "Well, it is the apocalypse."

Disrespect turns him off because he knows damn well he deserves a throne.

It turns him off when people don't respect personal boundaries. There was one woman who came up and touched his shoulder and was all over him and he was sort of creeped out by it.

When you ask him to be dominant. He's not into that simply because it isn't him, and it makes him flustered and confused.

Talking during sex is a turn off for him. He wants it to be either passionate or rough, and having moans be the only sound.

Being rough or unnecessarily violent turns him off.

Danse gets turned off when he can't get a word in. He hates chatterboxes, and has had a few dates go bad because of it.

Comparing him to other men turns him off faster than anything imaginable.

Any form of degrading turns him off. He never knows if it's serious and he'll end up getting his feelings hurt.

It turns him off when someone lacks a sense of humor, or doesn't share his. He hates making a sarcastic comment and being misunderstood.

Being judged is a turn off because it brings back memories that he isn't too fond of.

Trying to make him jealous is a huge turn off for him. He'll just stand there and not understand what you're doing.

The only thing that really kinda turns him off is when you two are going at it and the background doesn't feel right somehow, whether it's the song on the radio or the bedsheets.

It turns him off when he's called selfish just for doing his own thing.

When people ask too many questions. It just gives him a headache and he wants to get away from them.

It's a turn off when you don't show appreciation for things he does. He'll get you a small bouquet of flowers for you and want a kiss in return, and you'll thank him and go on with your day. Sometimes you'll kiss him.

There's seriously not much, but if someone drags their feet when they walk, he knows that he won't take an interest in them.

For him, he gets turned off when you only talk about yourself. He thinks you're amazing, but still, it tends to nag him because he too, would like to boast.

Yes Man
It's a turn off for him when someone makes fun of his sexual needs. Despite being a synth, like most other men, he still needs to get shit done.

It turns him off and on at the same time when you play hard to get. It makes his feelings swirl and he's conflicted about it.

Ten of Spades
The only thing that sorta turns him off is making dumb, irrational decisions without having any reason or logic.

It turns him off when you pretend to be dumb/play dumb. He knows the depth of your knowledge is deeper than you let on, and it bothers him.

Helplessness turns him off. He wants someone who can get shit done.

Doing things that are pointless. Joshua corrects his grammar like life matters.

He gets turned off when you lie about what you want because you think he wants it or something. Half the time you don't mean to.

Dr. O
Bright lights are a huge turn off. He likes them either dim, or completely off, unless he's working.

Dr. Klein
Being interrupted turns him off. Whether he's speaking, or acting, he wants to do what he's doing without anything or anyone getting in the way.

Dr. Mobius
Loud noises turn him off. If you two are going at it and the A/C is buzzing, he'll leave you hot and bothered for a minute to go turn it off.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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