Preference #21

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This will just be how they proposed to you!

MacCready seemed to complement you more than usual, and agree with absolutely everything you said no matter how creative you got with things. At the end of the day, you asked what was wrong, and he said he was buttering you up. You blushed and asked why and he got on one knee and pulled out a shiny ring he'd been searching for just for you.

Hancock seemed too... sober. He seemed to be too alert today. More than usual, anyways. He asked you to marry him, and in response, you asked him if he was doped up. He said no, because he wanted you to know he was serious.

Nick made you your favorite food. You sat down, chewing carefully and eyeing him. Something seemed to be wrong, and you questioned him about it. He stuttered for a while before finally just grabbing your hand and spilling his feelings to you.

Deacon made it a joke. He found you an Old-World ringpop, and got on one knee. You immediately burst out in laughter and snatched it, saying yes. The next day the two of you went shopping for actual rings.

He did so formally. He stood up straight, looked you in the eyes, and from behind his back, held a ring I'm his palm. He grabbed your hand after sliding the ring in and bowed, kissing it gently.

Preston tripped over his words, and looked at the ground with his elbow locked as he held a gorgeous ring out to you. You immediately encased him in a loving hug.

Sturges actually made your ring himself, disappearing to his workshop for hours on end to perfect it. He messed up a few times, making a total of 6 before deciding on one. Upset with his frequent disappearances, you confronted him and he proposed.

Gage did so casually, just saying, "Wanna get married?" And you laughed and told him when he gets a ring. He pulled one out of his back pocket, as though he expected you to respond that way.

Travis, being the nervous wreck he was, wrote you a series of notes, making a little puzzle for you, leading you to a ring and roses he'd managed to get a hold of.

Danse actually got insanely nervous. But that didn't stop him from getting on one knee, and pouring his heart out to you about how you've been with him through thick and thin, and how he'd like it to stay that way.

Maxson made sure to do it in front everyone, knowing you would say yes. The men and women of the Brotherhood were all in on it, and seeing as Danse couldn't keep a secret, you were shocked they'd known about it for a whole month!

He had wanted to ask you for a while, but didn't know how. He asked a whole bunch of people, who gave insane responses, like put the ring in a deathclaws stomach, then let it eat you. Instead, he just did it the old fashioned way, and you said yes.

You and Butch were in the middle of a make-out session when he asked. You laughed, asking if he was just messing with you. He looked up at you as you sat back on his lap comfortably. He didn't say anything, but the depth in his eyes told you he meant it. The two of you went ring-hunting the next week, after asking a million times if he was sure he wanted to marry you.

Gob has to save up and buy a ring, but once he did, he immediately asked, telling you he'd thought about it for a long time. You pushed your lips to his and said yes, not being able to muster words, you just smiled and nodded like a big idiot.

Charon said it out of nowhere. After tossing and turning, he finally sat up and just right out asked. You blushed and said yes, and he simply lay down, and fell asleep with ease!

Arcade said he thought you two were already married when you asked him about his opinion on the subject. You laughed and explained the actual concept of getting married. He blushed and asked if you'd like to.

For you and Boone, neither of you asked. It was a mutual agreement. He simply said, "We are married now." And you simply shrugged and said okay.

He seemed off lately. He was more quiet, and everything you did had ended up flustering him, even just holding his hand or kissing him. When you asked why, he didn't answer. You asked if he didn't want to be with you anymore, and he shook his head, admitting that he wanted to marry you, but didn't have the means.

Benny took a day off just to treat you right. He too you out to do something you liked, then to a nice restraunt. He pulled you into his room, giving you a sweet kiss before kneeling and asking for your hand.

He did it in a way that was traditional before the war. He took you out to a nice dinner, then put the ring in a classy glass of champagne. You amazingly didn't choke.

Dean has a ring in his dresser drawer. He claimed he'd gotten it when he was a kid, and engraved a word into it. He told himself that the person to say that word three times really fast without being told, would be his spouse on the spot. Saying 'meatball' repeatedly was all it took.

Yes Man
Yes Man has been quiet all day. He had been avoiding you recently, and you asked him why. He simply said he felt like he was overheating when he was around you, and had rings in his mind. You asked him to go more into depth, and he simply asked you to marry him.

He wasn't sure what to do, so he asked Doc Mitchell for permission to marry you. You and Doc weren't related, so the man asked you if you would be okay marrying Victor. You said sure, and Doc gave Victor permission. Then after the long process, he finally proposed.

Ten of Spades
He didn't stutter. He looked you dead in the eye, and though his words slurred a little, you understood, and said, without hesitating, yes.

Being a man of the Legion, he hadn't grown up around any successful marriages. He hadn't asked for a while because he thought all marraiges would end in failure. You convinced him otherwise and he was happy to have you permanently at his side.

Joshua told you that it was his Lord's will to throw the two of you together. He got on one knee, holding eye contact and speaking from the heart, your hand in his.

He just grabbed your hand, and dragged you to Joshua. He puffed up his chest, and asked Joshua to marry the two of you. You just blushed stupidly and Joshua looked to you in confusion. In the end, Joshua did what was asked of him.

Ulysses told you what his tribe did to celebrate marriages. He never started a conversation without purpose, so you asked him what he was getting at, and he finally proposed.

Dr. O
You two were laying in bed one morning, silently admiring each other, when he just popped the question. You asked if he was serious, and he reached over into one of his drawers, and pulled out the ring, saying he wanted to propose for a long time.

Dr. Klein
He made sure the two of you were alone, then grabbed your hands, got down on one knee, and asked the way any proper gentleman does.

Dr. Mobius
The two of you were doing handstands against a wall, and the ring fell out of his pocket, he grabbed it, and said, "Oh yeah, by the way, you wanna get married?" All while doing a handstand.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed! Any preference requests?

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