Preference #58

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This is what they're thankful for.

He was thankful for you, and for Duncan, but he was mostly thankful to have both of you, now alive and healthy, under the same roof as him.

He's thankful for two things. Chems, and the people of Goodneighbor. Both keep his mind and heart safe.

Nick is thankful for the people of Diamond City. Even though they can be assholes, they give him a home and a job.

He's thankful for you, and the fact that you decided to join the Railroad. He'd never admit it, though.

He's thankful for his creators, and for the fact that he wasn't a surface dweller.

He's thankful for you. You brought the Minutemen back into action, and did the same with him as well. Without you coming along, he wouldn't have been alive to celebrate.

Sturges was thankful for the Minutemen and you. You guys saved his life back in Quincy. He's thankful for Mama Murphy, too.

Gage was thankful for the creators of Nuka-World, and the stupidity of the slaves. The Raiders could have been overpowered at one point, but no one stood up. He was happy for that.

He's thankful for the Bobrov brothers because they changed his life for the better. Without them, he wouldn't have met you.

You saved his life, so he's thankful for you, and Maxson's (unwilling) mercy.

He's thankful for the loyalty of the men and women of the Brotherhood, as well as the understanding side of the Commonwealth.

He's thankful for almost everything. Flowers, bubbles, grass. He was thankful for everything that was beautiful, including you.

He's thankful for the Vault. He was happy to get out of there, but he knows that he wouldn't have survived growing up anywhere else.

He's thankful for you. Without you, he'd still be miserable and working for Moriarty. Plus, he wouldn't have seen Carol ever again without your help.

He's thankful for the events throughout his life. Each time his contract was handed to someone else, he was thankful, because eventually, it led him to you.

He's thankful for the medicine thats still around, and how Mother Nature still provides him with what he needs to help people.

He's thankful for Novac. Despite the bad luck he had there, it was his home. It gave him a job and a roof over his head.

He was thankful that the Courier came along and freed the two of you from Black Mountain. He was later thankful that your garden grew well. He's thankful for the little things.

He's thankful for his stroke of luck. He's thankful that despite the shot to the head, you lived.

He's thankful for his position. He likes his job, and he (mostly) likes who he works with, especially you.

He's thankful for Elijah's foolishness. As he says, "Without that arrogant bitch, we wouldn't be here."

Yes Man
He's thankful for anything and everything, but he's truly thankful for the people on the Strip for being so accepting of him.

He's thankful for a lot of stuff. He's thankful for the people of Goodsprings who now considered him a human, due to him looking like one, and he's thankful for Doc Mitchell, who's treated him like a son when he has too.

Ten of Spades
He's thankful for Betsy, because she forgave him for something he couldn't forgive himself for. He's thankful that she hasn't held it against him or tried to be spiteful towards him because of what happened.

He's thankful for the Legion. Especially the squadron that murdered his tribe. Without them, he wouldn't have become who he was meant to be. Fucked up, right?

He's thankful for his God, and the fact that he had enough mercy to give him a second chance at life, even though he wasn't really living.

He's thankful for his tribe. He loves them dearly, and it's almost as if they're all siblings, the way they have each others backs, but also fight.

He's thankful for you. He was always happy being alone, but you came along and finally changed his view on that. It was pretty life-changing for him, but he's happy to have you.

Dr. O
He never gives anything much thought, but at the moment, he's just thankful that he hasn't been fired yet.

Dr. Klein
He's thankful that he wasn't born dumb, as he says everyone else was. You roll your eyes at him whenever he says this.

Dr. Mobius
He never sees something, or has something happen to him where he goes, "Gee, I sure am thankful for that!" He's just thankful that he's alive.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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