Preference #54

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Warning: Sad; Mention of Suicide
This is how you react to their death, and how they react to yours.

There were ferals chasing after you, and he shouted and shot flares to get them away from you. He succeeded, and was quickly torn up, leaving you dumbfounded and crying as you got to a hiding spot.
You were ripped up by ferals, him watching with tears in his eyes and his gun going off repeatedly as he tried to save you. This was the second time a loved one was killed by ferals, and he swore to himself to give up on love, wearing his ring and yours on a thin chain necklace.

He overdosed. It broke your heart, because you'd never be sure whether it was an accident or whether it was on purpose.
You were shot by Gunners as a message to Hancock to stay off their tails. He went off the grid, then stayed alive just to spite the bitches that killed you, making sure they got what they deserved, and by his hand.

He just... shut down. You finally destroyed the Institute, happy to come home to your lover. You found him standing, and slouched, you hugged him, and something seemed off, you cradled his face, and the glow from his eyes was gone. You spent your days in his place, solving mysteries and going on with heartbreak with you always. You couldn't help but blame yourself.
In order to blow up the Institute, you had to die with it. You didn't tell Nick only because you weren't one for drawn out goodbyes. When Sturges relayed everyone out, you handed him a note for Nick and sent him out, immediately blowing up the Institute afterwords.

When he died, you thought he was playing a joke on you. You absolutely refused to believe that the man who gave you life could lose his. Still, Des insisted, and said he got over-cocky and ran into a room full of Courser's. That? You could believe that.
When you died, Deacon felt nothing but emptiness. When he lost Barbara, he took out his frustration on the Claws remaining. When he lost you... there was no one to take out his anger on, making him feel empty, without anger in his soul.

Not gonna lie, you didn't think X6 could be killed. When he was, you managed to find his body, and retrieve his memory data and personality chip. You brought it to some scientists, and since he was one of their best, they just recreated him! He came back with small PTSD issues of his death, but after dying and being remade twice more, he didn't care, and he was just happy to be by your side again.
He didn't expect your death to affect him, because synths 'couldn't feel', but when he found out about your death, it was like a blow to the stomach, and he actually cried, not understanding he was feeling grief.

He wanted to take back Quincy. You refused to help because you'd scouted the area out, and knew it would be impossible. He got mad and went to 'do it on his own'. You said fine, but after a day, his body just so happened to turn up on your doorstep, riddled with bulletholes, but no blood. You fainted.
You were suffering from a post-deathclaw-fight wound, when Raiders decided to... well... raid. They thought you were already dead, but pulled the plug on you anyways just to be sure. After clearing them out, Preston noticed and one straight-line beep, and panicked, plugging the air support back into the wall and sobbing when the heart monitor didn't kick back up.

When he died, you didn't think it was true. Sturges was always moving, always working. But seeing him as a corpse, it didn't seem real. He wasn't supposed to be still! Not to mention that upon his death, you found out he was a synth. You forever wondered if he even knew.
When you died, he was overwhelmed. He felt like he didn't tell you he loved you enough, and felt worse about not telling you he was a synth.

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