Preference #84

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Warning: NSFW
This is their kinks.

Good god. Go through the rest of them, and boom, you have all the kinks MacCready is into, or is down to try. He's not picky.

He thinks Amaurophilia is fun, which means that you're blindfolded most or half of the time. He thinks it fun for some reason and you don't really mind.

Being cold turns him on. He doesn't know why, but it's one of the many reasons that he hates wintertime. It's like mating season for him, and all other synths. It's funny to see them all run around trying to hide their boners.

He's into tying one another up or just bounding one another in some type of way. Whether it's him or you in the handcuffs, he really seems to get off on it.

He's into BDSM, but was really lowkey about it the first few times you had sex. Later on in the relationship, he mentioned trying something new, and boom, there you go.

He's Antholagniastic, meaning that floral scents turn him on. You'll sometimes put on some type of perfume, but you and flowers seems to work him up.

He's into Masochism, meaning that he likes being dominated.

He's into Sadism, meaning that he likes to be dominant, any and every chance he gets. You enjoy it as much as he does.

Travis is a Acousticophilic, meaning he's aroused by sounds. Of course, those sounds are only emitted from you, and it depends on the mood and whatnot, but you moaning turns him on more than anything.

Danse doesn't really have any kinks, but he prefers to have you on top of him. He just likes sweet, passionate sex.

He's not into much and likes to keep it simple, but he tends to find choking fun. For some reason.

He's into being pinned down. You'll hold his hands above his head and he'll just blush up at you.

Butch is into hair pulling. You can tug and twirl his hair and he'll tug yours lightly in return, and it always manages to get him off faster, no matter how much he hates messing up his hair.

Gob doesn't even know what types of kinks there are. He's pure, and just likes to have sex the good old-fashioned way.

He's into overstimulation. He doesn't care who is being overstimulated, whether it's him or you, he digs it.

He's an Aphephiliac, meaning that he likes being touched more than anything.

He doesn't really have any kinks, but he finds getting massages to be an extreme turn on for him.

He doesn't have any, he just likes good old fashion sex. He's always up for a second round, though.

He's into Tantalolagnia, meaning that he likes teasing, and to be teased, whether he's tied up or not.

He's very into lace. What's lace is up to you, but if you wearing anything lace in public, even if it's just sleeves, he thinks things he shouldn't.

Dean is into dirty talk, whether he's giving or receiving doesn't matter to him.

Yes Man
He wouldn't admit it, and the entire topic embarrasses him, but he's really into fisting.

He likes biting or being bitten. Whether it's in the action of getting hickeys or muffling moans, he's very much into it.

Ten of Spades
He's Haptephiliastic, which means that he gets aroused very easily, just from being touched in certain places.

He's into having sex in public places. Not with people watching of course, but he seems more into it when you guys get it on in the arena or in Caesar's tent rather than your own.

(Pre-Yeet) He's into punishment. Doesn't matter if it's him or you getting 'punished'.

He liked when you talk to him. It reminds him that he can relax around you in bed.

He's a Nyctophiliac, meaning that he likes to have sex in the dark, or in a dimly lit room. He hates doing it with the lights on because they give his weak ass self a headache.

Dr. O
He's very much into morning sex. He's not a morning person, but after getting with you, he's much more reluctant to get out of bed in the morning.

Dr. Klein
His favorite time to have sex with you, is when he's not supposed to, like at work. He especially likes it on his desk, when neither of you have your clothes completely off.

Dr. Mobius
He likes involving drugs, alcohol, or food in someway.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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