Preference #35

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This is their reaction when you tell them that you are slowly turning into a ghoul.

You were feeling off, and consulted a doctor in your settlement, who told you that you'd been exposed to radiation too long, and were going ghoul. MacCready immediately worried that you might go feral, so he took you to more serious doctors to try to make sure that didn't happen.

Hancock was happy, because it meant that the two of you would be together longer, and that you might fit in more around Goodneighbor. At first you weren't happy about it, but soon saw the good in going ghoul.

Nick wanted to know how you felt about the situation before saying anything. Then he laughed and said that you two could kiss in front of a Brotherhood soldier and probably get shot. He said that you'd be an odd pair, Synth and ghoul, and that you two would be together pretty much forever.

Deacon shrugged it off and told you about how he pulled off being a ghoul for a month. He realized you were self-conscious, though, and hooked you up with a facial surgeon he knew. You were a ghoul that looked human, thanks to him.

He was very curious how that could happen, and asked if he could take notes on the transformation process. You didn't mind, so long as he still loved you. He said he did, and that was really all that mattered.

Preston didn't really care, so long as you promised to love yourself no matter what. You laughed and said you would, and he just kissed you before getting back to work.

When you told Sturges about how you might turn ghoul, he came out about being a synth. This made you exquisitely happy, seeing as the two of you could stay together longer.

Gage just laughed and looped his arm through yours, saying that two freaks were always better than one.

Travis immediately made plans to find the two of you a home outside Diamond City, so you wouldn't be judged. He cared more about your well-being than anything else.

Danse got very quiet, and tried to consult some Scribe's about finding a cure, or something to reverse the effects. After straight up drinking RadAway for a week straight, you were pure human again. He said he would have loved you still, but that he wanted to stay in the Brotherhood by your side, and he couldn't do that if you were a ghoul.

It made him see the light about certain things. Like how ghouls we're still human and things like that. He thought about casting you out, but refused to do so. He sent Danse to Hallucigen to find a cure, and he actually succeeded. But you were glad that the scenario opened his eyes a little.

He was a synth, so he was delighted at the extra time the two of you would have. At the same time, he was somewhat upset because he'd wanted to have a family with you, and ghouls were fertile.

Butch thought it was the coolest. He went on about how you'd be immune to radiation and how you could still kick ass. Most importantly he went on about how you'd be the first ghoul Tunnel Snake. He just kissed you before going off to brag about it. You swear he was the least understandable man in the Wasteland.

Gob wondered why you made it a big deal about telling him. You asked him about some things and he confirmed or denied. He kissed you and bought the two of you a drink to celebrate.

Charon... actually smiled. He was happy because it meant that he could stop worrying about living on without you. He just picked you up and kissed you before showing you that he still loved you.

Arcade was interested in how that could have happened, seeing as radiation wasn't a large concern in the Mojave. He didn't even know what a ghoul was!

Boone didn't really care. So long as you loved him, and stayed in your place as the thorn in his side, he couldn't care less about how you looked.

He shook his head with a smile, and said that you'd finally be in his league. You chuckled, and he added that being a ghoul wasn't too bad.

Benny just wanted to know what you would and wouldn't be able to do. So long as your personality wouldn't change, and so long as you could still drink with him, he wasn't bothered.

He asked what it was, then asked if he could go ghoul too. You said he'd lose his hair, and he gasped and ran his fingers through it. He saw the look in your eyes after you realized that you'd lose your hair, then took your hands and said that it was worth it if it meant spending hundreds of years with you.

Dean just laughed and, seeing as you two would be in the Madre until death, he was more concerned about food running out than anything. When you did go ghoul, he wouldn't stop telling you how sexy you were anytime you did literally anything.

Yes Man
Yes Man didn't know what a ghoul was, but didn't care because he loved you for you, and nothing could change his mind.

Being a synth, Victor was excited because you two would get to be together longer. He was a little worried at first, but after seeing the effects, he didn't really care too much.

Ten of Spades
He said he didn't know any NCR ghouls, and he was concerned about treating you medically. He wasn't sure how to help, and that worried him more than anything.

He wasn't sure what a ghoul was, but said that he didn't care as long as you could fight by his side.

He had only ever heard of ghouls, but never seen one. After turning, he just smiled and said you looked like him under the bandages, but not as dark.

It was impossible for anyone to go ghoul in Zion. Unless you drink pure radiation, which isn't in Zion... The water there was pure, and all the food the tribals gave you was well cooked. None of them knew what a ghoul was, but you imagined it was how Joshua looked without his bandages.

You had your arms crossed and your back to him when telling him. You told him how your hair would start falling out and stuff. When you turned to look at him, he was asleep. He woke up with a snoring-honking noise, apologized, said he'd love you no matter what, and to come lay with him.

Dr. O
He asked if there was absolutely anything he could do to try and fix it. You said that you didn't think so, and he grabbed his coat and left, going to the dome to try to ask Klein if he could do something.

Dr. Klein
He felt bad for you in a way, but reminded you of the benefits. No more worrying about radiation. You get to live pretty much forever. You no longer need condoms. That sort of stuff. Then he asked if he could run some tests on you. Nothing harmful, but he did want to take notes on everything.

Dr. Mobius
He didn't really care. He asked how that happened, and you said that you hit a cool one-of-a-kind chem that turned you ghoul. He immediately wanted to go ghoul with you, and tried making the drug that did it to you.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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