Preference #64

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This is how they spend New Years.

You two looked at the clock, and when it chimed, he pulled your waist to his, and pushed his lips sweetly to yours. Duncan and Deacon sat on your couch making 'ew' noises and gagging dramatically until you and your husband separated, laughing.

You and Hancock stood across the room, facing each other, and when the clock struck, you popped open two bottles of champagne, shooting the caps at one another and drinking.

You and Nick were surrounded by his friends and yours, in a big comfortable get together, with bowls of food and laughs for everyone. When the clock rang, he put an arm around you and kissed you before opening up drinks for everyone.

You and Deacon wore ridiculous hats, and got everyone at the Railroad HQ to get in the hype of it all. When the clock sounded, the headquarters were filled with victorious whoops and Deacon kissed you way longer than necessary, not that you complained.

X6-88 wasn't sure why you guys would bother celebrating, and didn't understand why he had to kiss you, and said he wouldn't. When the clock struck, you grabbed his jaw and kissed him. Much to your joy, he kissed back and pulled away with a red face.

Preston got over-excited, and crashed. He fell asleep, and woke up at midnight when you kissed him anyways.

Sturges made some fireworks and a mechanism to shoot them off. At midnight, he fired them, and seeing the glee on his face as he stared up was a great way to start the year.

Gage asked what the point was because plenty of years had passed with no celebrations. Still, you informed the raiders of the holiday, and they all celebrated with drinks and chems all around. Gage shook his head and said that you guys could were all vulnerable in that moment, and could have easily been attacked.

You and Travis celebrated with the Bobrov brothers. They closed the bar and let the four of you drink all you wanted. You two kissed at midnight, and drunk Vadim tried to kiss sober Yefim, and tripped, knocking himself out and ruining yours and Travis's moment. It was funny.

Danse clung to you all night. He wasn't a fan of huge parties, and at midnight, he insisted the two of you take a room for more than one reason.

You guys had a huge party on the Prydwen, and at midnight, after people had calmed down, he gave a speech about what the new year held for the Brotherhood, and how they could only get better from here.

You taught him about some traditions, like eating greens for good luck and whatnot. He asked why people needed luck, and made it difficult to explain. At least he knew what time to kiss you.

You and Butch went to a party in Rivet City, consisting mostly of people your age, and got blitzed out of your fucking minds. You don't even remember what happened, but seeing Butch asleep in the corner with a lampshade over his head was funny.

You and Gob clinked drinks together, and just enjoyed each others company. He got a little tired, but you convinced him to stay up. As soon as you kissed him, he was off to bed.

You and Charon spent New Years under the stars with a fire. It was just the two of you, and when the time came, he kissed you, and the two of you split a beer. It was simple and pleasant.

The Followers had an elegant party and the two of you were going to attend, but decided against it. The two of you instead, went out and sat on a building with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. You had pleasant conversation and when the Followers camp burst into cheers, the two of you knew to kiss.

When the new year came, you and Boone were in the middle of a fight with some Legion folk who didn't like the two of you. In the end, he apologized for making the start of your New Year bad, but you just kissed him and held his hand, saying it was fine.

You were both worn out for a long time and went to bed, setting the alarm. When it went off, you slammed it silent, and you two kissed each other, muttering, 'I love you' before cuddling one another.

You and Benny held a large party at the Tops, and when the clock struck, he immediately kissed you then took you up to your suite to start the new year off right.

You two partied like the world was ending. You drank until you puked and were with one another each disgustingly wild moment of the night, taking a room when midnight came.

You and Dean popped the cork and let the wine run. You two danced, he sang, and who the hell knew that a two-person party could be so fun? He told you about how big the New Year was in the Old World, and you listened, kissing him when the clock struck. He said it was tradition, but you weren't sure.

Yes Man
He asked you what he was supposed to do, and wanted to know everything. In the end of it all, he had a fantastic time, and so did you. You wore old party hats and beads and sang really badly to whatever the radio decided to play.

He was tied a mistletoe to his belt, and he frowned when you laughed and told him that it only counted around Christmas time. He was confused and said that it technically still was.

Ten of Spades
You celebrated with the rest of your drill team, and you all popped open a bottle of champagne. You both ended up having a surprisingly great time.

He asked why it was such a big deal, but he let you drag him along to a party, keeping his arm around your waist and kissing you at midnight. He just acted like an overall gentleman for once in his life.

Joshua gave a speech about how the new year meant turning over a new leaf, and he was focused on getting the tribals to make New Year's Resolutions and whatnot.

You two say down for a calm night, and you asked him what his New Year would hold, and asked what it was he was wanting to do. You two had a pretty good night, but he was fighting off sleep.

You and Ulysses shot off fireworks, and he told you about some of the stuff that the new year represented in the Old World. You listened and fell asleep curled up against his chest.

Dr. O
You two didn't have fireworks because Klein hated them, so you two got scrap metal, and threw them in the pavement to create sparks. That seemed to make Klein more mad.

Dr. Klein
He wasn't interested in New Years, and spent the entire time in his lab, with you sitting on his table and reading off charts. He later felt bad and said that he was sorry for ruining your New Years.

Dr. Mobius
You two snorted crushed Mentats off of each others arms and fucked around all night, you didn't remember much, but Mobius woke up on top of the washing machine, and you were under the sink for some reason.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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