Preference #20

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This isn't what pet the two of you would have together, but rather their reaction to the wacky pet you already had.

Upon meeting MacCready, you had a large, long-legged Great Dane. He stared at it as you spoke for the first time, draped across a couch petting your dog. He didn't say a word about how it's ears had an awkward green glow about them from radiation.

You had a Siamese Cat draped around your neck. Before speaking to you, he immediately was all over your irradiated pet, cooing and scratching its ears until it eventually just crawled into his arms. 

You had a parrot with a metal leg. Poor girl lost it in a firefight. You smiled upon seeing Nick, and thought it was surely a sign that you had to speak to the detective.

You had a mutant chameleon. Though you simply considered it a small, color-changing scorpion. He was extremely wary of it, but after realizing he was similar to it, he loved it and even named it for you!

You had a light blue garden snake always looped around your arm under your sleeve. It had actually scared him. It certainly surprised you, seeing him jump like he did. A strong synth jumping at the sight of a thin little snake.

You had a mutant hound under your protection. Preston had actually tried to kill it at first, but after learning of its pacifism, he quickly warmed up to the large beast.

You had a horse. It was certainly a sight for everyone. A large horse with visible veins and white eyes. Horrifying. People didn't fuck with you though, except for Sturges, who asked if he could build your creature some armor or something for safety.

You had a lemur, with a long, orange tail. Gage found it irritating, since the creature went out of its way to freak him out. It's reflective eyes would purposely stare him down in dark spaces and brush him with its tail and whatnot to give him the shivers.

You had a small turtle. It had shrunk most likely to radiation, and you kept a little balloon tied to it to keep track of it. Travis found it adorable, and loved holding the creature in his palm.

You had a fluffy cat. He's deathly allergic to cats, so you have to keep your beloved pet at Sanctuary where Preston takes care of him. Death doesn't stop Danse from trying to love on your cat though.

You had a little bitty pig! Maxson immediatly scooped it into his arms, careful to lock the door so his men wouldn't see him showing any emotion other than seriousness.

You had a lizard. He didn't know you had it until it poked out of your pocket, and it surprised him more than anything.

You had a snake. A large, green creature that you couldn't carry around due to its weight. After meeting you again, and you taking him back to your place for old times sake, he laughed and said you got the Tunnel Snake in memory of him. In a way, you had.

You and Gob, after getting together, got a few glowing butterflies. You have five, all named different things, fluttering around your house. You leave sugar water out for them, and even with the door open, they don't fly away.

You had a hawk. It wasn't dangerous. It's claws were dulled and it couldn't fly, seeing as there were no trees strong enough to hold him anymore He still held a proud chest though, and quickly transferred from your side, to Charon's, not that it bothered you.

You had a raccoon. Arcade immediatly began studying it, with its short tail and large ears, he compared it to the Pre-War raccoons in his books.

You had a little monkey! Unlike literally everyone else, Boone was indifferent. He didn't mind the creature, but wouldn't mourn it if it died.

You had a pitbull, and Raul fell in love with him. Your mutt wasn't a lap dog, but after meeting Raul, that's all he was.

You had a crow perched on your shoulder. It flapped and screeched at him, and he merely raised a brow and held his beer out to it, silencing the noisy bird.

You had a sleek, black cat, that usually just kept close to you. It was like a companion, and you two had a weird relationship. Swank was always checking in on your pet, and it was actually what made you two friends.

After gaining the Madre, the two of you found a ghoulified cat. He immediately claimed that it was his before the war, and you knew it was a lie, just an excuse to keep the creature.

Yes Man
You had a bunny! You hadn't been one for pets, but he actually got it for you for the birthday you didn't know you had. He mostly got it because he wanted one, but you eventually fell in love with it too.

You had a horse, and the second they set eyes on each other, your horse was now Victor's. They pretty much became mother and child, and Victor took special care of your horse.

Ten of Spades
You had a little bitty mouse that would just hang out in your coat pocket with a cracker. It scared him at first because he didn't know you owned it, and he just warned you that there was a mouse in your pocket.

You had a mongrel. It was more bloodthirsty than the others, making Vulpes want it for himself. You refused him, as no one had the courage too before. This made him want both you, and your dog, for himself.

You had a gecko. When leaving, you'd simply put him up on a wall in Joshua's cave. It absolutely warmed your heart when you walked in on your partner playing with your gecko, using a piece of glass to reflect light on the wall.

You had a Deathclaw, but it was a runt. He wasn't sure how you could tame such a beast, but because of your creature, the other Deathclaws never came near you two.

Dr. O
You had a fox, which he mumbled that it was suiting to your character. Your fox was slender, and small-framed, making it easy to scoop up and cradle in your arms.

Dr. Klein
You had a little monkey that just hung around on your shoulder. Klein immediately snatched him, and held him up admirably, asking if he could preform experiments on him. You took the monkey back, and swatted him away.

Dr. Mobius
You had a sloth, ironically. Sometimes, Mobius would be eating something and reading a book, and it was almost as if the sloth was doing so with him. They were like best buds, and you were 98% sure that they spoke telepathically.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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