Preference #28

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This is who you're related to, and how they feel about your relatives.

You're the sibling of Irma, in Goodneighbor. You were very jealous of your sister, and upon finding that out, MacCready couldn't imagine why, seeing as he was hopelessly head over heels for you.

You were MacCready's older sibling. Due to your age, you said you could get with who you wanted, and seeing as MacCready and Hancock were pals, he was overjoyed with your choice!

You were Hancock's younger sibling. You were human, however. He found it interesting how different you were from your brother, but figured you could be related to worse.

You're actually from a farm. He found your family very pleasant, but they were still on edge about him, calling him 'mysteriously happy' in this world.

You didn't have any family. You couldn't afford to have family in your line of work.

You're Sturges' younger sibling. Preston knew you as long as he could remember, and was perfectly fine with Sturges being your brother, besides the fact he could beat him to a pulp easily.

You were Preston's older sibling, and the moment he found out, he tried to suppress his feelings for you, but eventually told Preston he needed help gaining your favor. Preston was glad to help.

You were Mason's younger sibling. You knew the ins and outs of everything. Mason didn't approve of you and Gage, but after seeing Gage nearly take a bullet for you, he decided it might've okay after all.

You're Vadim and Yefim's adopted sibling. You had no accent, so Travis didn't know of your relations until after he got with you.

You're Maxson's younger sibling. This immediatly set him on edge about his feelings towards you, but your brother was happy you liked someone as loyal as Danse.

You're Danse's younger sister. Danse found it odd that you liked the Elder, and found it more odd when the Elder liked you back! He was overjoyed though!

Your Preston Garvey's older sibline, and since Codsworth admired Garvey, he eventually took notice of you and so on and so forth.

You're Amata's older sibling. The two of you escaped the Vault together, so he never got anyone else's opinion on your relationship.

You were Nova's sibling. Nova didn't understand how you could love Gob, and you got into a fight about how looks didn't matter. Gob hates having caused it, but you simply made out with him in front of your sister before leaving.

You're Ahzrukhal's sibling. He hadn't expected to catch feelings for you, yet you didn't mind when he shot your brother. You just clicked your tongue and decided to stay by your new mans side.

You were Julie's younger sibling, and Arcade immediately took a liking to you. Julie thought Arcade was a little weird, but that didn't bother you.

You were Arcade's older sibling, sent to Novac for medical research. Boone immediately recognized you as his old friends sister, and when reuniting the guys, Arcade said he always knew this would happen.

You're Boone's younger sibling. Young, yet you'd seen enough of the world to know it was shit. Raul and Boone somewhat liked each other, maybe it was because they had both lost so much, and could sympathize with one another.

You were Swank's older sibling, the one in charge of your brother's actions. Swank knew of your feelings for Benny, and Benny's feelings for you, but didn't do anything, just wanting to see how nature would play it out.

You're Benny's younger sibling. When Benny found out about you two, he wanted to set Swank's head spinning. You had to smooth things out, and the men are fine with one another now, but it was quite the mess.

You were Christina's twin. You two looked nothing alike, of course. Christina didn't like you getting with such a greedy bastard, but you waved her feelings off.

Yes Man
You're Benny's younger sibling, and it was only after his death that you got with Yes Man, though you knew Benny wouldn't give a shit about your personal affairs anyways.

You're Sunny's sister. She didn't trust Victor, but after learning more about him, she slowly became more and more approving of your relationship.

Ten of Spades
You're Corporal Betsy's younger sister. At first he felt bad about Betsy being raped and then dating her sister, but Betsy couldn't care less. She was just confused as to why you thought males were attractive.

You were Caesar's daughter. Vulpes and you had known each other forever, and Caesar approved of you getting with his favorite soldier.

You were the younger sibling of Ulysses. He only knew of the past Ulysses, and you were no longer in contact with your brother, but you figured he wouldn't mind, seeing as Joshua wasn't unlike your brother.

You were the younger sibling of the stranger that passed through with the guitar. You went with your brother, and decided to stay in Zion with the tribals. You never expected to fall in love with one.

You're Joshua Graham's older sister. You weren't older by much, and you and Joshua were still brother and sister, despite all that had happened. Ulysses and Joshua never met after what happened with Hoover Dam, but Ulysses didn't mind you being related to Graham.

Dr. O
You're Dr. 8's older sibling. 8 and O are friends, and they've gone through a lot together, so your brother was happy with your choice.

Dr. Klein
You're Dala's older sibling. You and Klein had a series of one night stands, and many hours of drinking spent together, but neither of you considered it a relationship until Dala asked if that's what it was.

Dr. Mobius
You're Klein's younger sibling. Klein hated the idea of you dating anyone he worked with, but he loathed Mobius even being a choice. When you got together, a fight broke out between you and your brother. O and Dala had to break it up, even thought it wasn't a fist fight.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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