(SFW Alphabet) Codsworth

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SFW Alphabet.

He was alone for 200 years, and did (more or less) fine without contact with many people. He likes affection, but never thinks of showing any himself.

Best Friend
He would be very good at giving constructive criticism, and would love to look over anything you've worked on before you show others. 

He doesn't really get hot/cold, so it's never a temperature thing as much as a comfort thing. He clings to you because he loves you.

Codsworth was literally made to keep homes clean, and does a damn good job of it. He's a little 'rusty' after 200 years, but he still hates messes.

He would be awful about ending relationships. Sometimes things will be going awful and he won't notice, and the person will break up with him. He hasn't had to deal with this very much, to be honest.

He probably wouldn't be the one to propose, but the act of being proposed to would make him think of the world before the bombs, and he'd honestly be a bit nostalgic.

He's very gentle. Taking care of plants requires a steady and careful touch so as not to harm leaves and petals, so Codsworth has very gentle fingers.

He likes being the "little spoon" in terms of hugs. He likes when you wrap your arms around him and he just leans into it.

I Love You
You said it first and it definitely caught him off guard. He run a hand through his synthetic hair and blush like crazy.

He doesn't get jealous. If you're laughing at something a man says, he's so happy to see you making friends.

He loves kisses so much! He thinks they're a truly pure form of affection for your significant other, and loves little kisses.

Little Things
If he's gardening, and finds a particularly pretty flower or a heart shaped leaf, he'll neatly cut it and bring it in to you.

He's definitely a morning person. He loves when the birds are chirping and the sun is shining. Codsworth is most fond of the cool mornings that come before a hot day.

He likes sunset, but he doesn't like the dark. He hates not knowing what's out there, and can't stand being alone after the suns retreat.

He doesn't have much to talk about. He hasn't got anything besides his time before the war, and 200 years of nothing.

He's got 200 years worth.

He has what can easily be a photographic memory. He can remember everything about you, from a small cut you have on your ankle, to a hangnail on your pinkie.

Before the war, he loved a light drizzle, but now, it would absolutely tear apart what he's been growing in the garden, and he has two tarps ready in case of rain.

He isn't protective when it comes to you talking to other people, but if you're in a threatening situation or a fight, he can definitely hold his ground, though he hates hurting living things.

He puts in a lot of effort, but doesn't know it. He's super passionate about what he loves, but thinks he gives it just as much attention as everyone else.

Ugly Habits
If he sees rust, he'll try to clean it. Once, he was reading and felt a spot of rust on the table next to him, and scratched at it subconsciously until his little synthetic nail chipped.

He doesn't think about how he looks, but he cares about how he feels. He's very sanitary, and if you're not, he probably likes you less.

He doesn't like it only because the cold is more brutal than it used to be, which is very bad for all the plants he loves!

X-tra (Random HC)
Honestly, gardening is the only thing keeping him sane at this point. Also, after he showers, he always washes his hands in the sink for some reason.

He can't stand being dirty. After gardening, when his synthetic hands are covered in dirt, he'll take a shower.

He doesn't sleep. He'll lay down with you and pretend to sleep, because he knows it's comforting for some people, but he never actually sleeps.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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