(SFW Alphabet) Deacon

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SFW Alphabet.

He isn't really one for showing too much affection. He understands if you need him to be there for you sometimes, and he's happy to help you handle whatever is bothering you.

Best Friend
He'd be an amazing friend. He's very good at making people laugh, no matter what's bothering them, and is even better at bringing a fresh mood to the room.

He doesn't like cuddling too much, but in winter, that completely changes, and he clings to you like a moth to a lamp.

He'd be an odd housemate. No one knows his job. He disappears for days on end. He hides an air fryer in his room. He never wears suits. He's pretty clean, but just messy enough so he's not suspicious.

He'd break up with someone in a pun. "I'm leafing you", is a classic.

He'd be more than happy to be engaged, though he most likely wasn't the one who proposed. He'd always buy weird shit like marshmallow shooters and be more goofy (if possible).

He can be gentle and rough. If you're hurting, he'll hold you, if you want to wrestle, he'll pin you in three seconds flat.

He doesn't like hugs just because he likes his personal space (to an extent). If he realizes that you need one though, he'll let you hug him.

I Love You
He doesn't like throwing the phrase around too much, because if he loses you, those words will become the equivalent of poison to him. He very rarely says it, but he shows it through his actions.

He doesn't get jealous because he knows that he's hot shit. And if you leave him for someone, he'd be fine. Not like he'd use his heelys to roll off a cliff...

Again, he's not one for small gestures of affection. If he almost lost you, he'd be all over you. Sometimes in the mornings, he'll kiss your cheek, but Tired Deacon and Awake Deacon are two very different people.

Little Things
Sometimes you two lay in bed at night and just goof off and talk for hours on end. He'll be shirtless and lay with his hands behind his head, and you'll be laying however you're comfortable.

He is a sweet, tired mess in the mornings. He'll kiss your cheek and throw an arm over you and tell you to stay a minute longer.

Chaotic. In the morning, he's an angel, but when the sun goes down, he goes from True Neutral to Chaotic Neutral.

He only really opens up with you after you confess you're feelings for him. Then he unloads a bunch of his personal stuff on you in hopes you'll not like him anymore. He was pleasantly surprised by the reaction he got, which was the opposite of what he intended.

He is very patient. He has to be, in his line of work. Blending in to crowds, standing around for hours to keep an eye on someone, listening to Hancock's speeches while in disguise... He's very patient.

He knows every detail about you. He's good at picking those things up about strangers from a distance, and he knows you personally, so he knows everything.

He doesn't like the rain. He always wants to get out of it (mostly because it's burn the both of you if you just walked out and danced in the radioactive rain).

He is well aware that you can hold your ground. He actually enjoys seeing you get into fights, because he's confident you'll win, and he can step in and claim you as his, and be proud of it.

You two don't bother trying to impress one another anymore.

Ugly Habits
He isn't a hugger. On the plus side: For Christmas and stuff, he gives you Hug Passes. So if you ever want to hug him, you hand him a Hug Pass, and he holds his arms out and lets you hug him.

He loves how he looks, because he got to pick his face! If you got to pick you own face, you wouldn't exactly make yourself look like a squirrel, would you?

He hates winter. His job requires him to watch from a distance, and that usually means standing outside. He hates being cold and having a runny nose.

X-tra (Random HC)
For Christmas and stuff, he gives you Hug Passes. So if you ever want to hug him, you hand him a Hug Pass, and he holds his arms out and lets you hug him.

He doesn't eat bread if the crust is on it.

His sleep pattern depends on when he's working. Sometimes he runs night jobs and sleeps for a while during the day, and vice versa.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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