(SFW Alphabet) Butch DeLoria

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SFW Alphabet.

It depends who's around. If it's any of his pals, he'll just wrap an arm around you, mostly just to show you off a bit, but if it's your dad, he keeps his hands off of you and, as he says, "Leaves room between you for Jesus," which cracks your dad up.

Best Friend
He'd be a good best friend. Very protective, and he'd always feel no one was good enough for you. Anyone you date is intimidated by him.

Butch loves cuddles, but if anyone asks, he hates them. He loves spooning you, or having your head on his chest with an arm around you.

He's still young, so he's pretty messy. Every now and then he gets cleaning urges at midnight and cleans the whole house. It's honestly kinda scary.

He's hardly dated anyone, but when breaking up, he just goes to the person he's with, says it's over, gives a reason, and leaves it at that.

He is a firm believer in celebratory sex, so if you say yes, that's definitely what shall follow.

He has his moments. You two have drunk arm wrestles, in which you always win, and wrestle with each other every now and then. You two also cuddle and sing (badly) together in the shower.

He likes when you wrap your arms around his torso, but he always tenses up, and isn't sure if you want him to hug back. He always relaxes into it though.

I Love You
He doesn't like throwing the phrase around much, because of the weight it carries. You said it first, and he was in shock for nearly five minutes before saying he loved you too (and ranting about it for a while).

He gets jealous very easily, but only if the other person makes a move. He doesn't care about you talking to people, but as soon as they show interest, he steps in and introduces himself as your boyfriend.

He loves kissing you. Morning kisses, shower kisses, goodbye kisses. Any excuse to kiss you, he's there.

Little Things
You guys have a lot of little things. Sometimes it's just a comforting glance across the room, other times he's flirting with you like he's still trying to win you over.

He's definitely not a morning person. First thing he does in the morning is shower, and do his hair.

He loves nighttime. At nighttime, you guys can be out at a bar, having a date night, or causing trouble. At night, he just feels so much more alive.

He loves telling you other peoples secrets (he loves gossip more than a teenage girl in the 80's), but when it comes to his personal life, he clamps up and doesn't speak.

He is super impatient. He hates waiting for things. He'll eat cookies as soon as they come out of the oven and burn his tongue.

He has a surprisingly good memory, and knows the important stuff about you.

He once suggested you dance in the rain, and you did while it was just drizzling. Then he said, "Lemme kiss you, so you'll be twice as wet." You don't let him out in the rain anymore.

He is very protective, and has definitely threatened (at least) one person with his knife.

He is amazing. He never slacks off when it comes to you. Butch never stops trying to win you over, even after marriage. Every day he falls more in love with you.

Ugly Habits
Drinking. He isn't a violent drunk or anything, but it's still a bad habit to fall into.

Oh my god. This guy spends at least thirty minutes getting his hair perfect. He wears face masks and always takes care of his nails. Butch is amazingly hygienic and cares a lot about how he looks.

He likes it. He gets to wear his jacket all the time, in comparison to summer, when he just wears a white tank top and slings the leather jacket over his shoulder.

X-tra (Random HC)
He is so fun to be with. There's always something exciting to do with him, and he never ceases to amaze you.

If someone doesn't have good hygiene, he avoids them at all costs. He keeps mint gum on him for a reason.

He somehow loves sleep, but also only ever manages to get five hours of it.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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