(SFW Alphabet) Gob

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SFW Alphabet.

Gob is affectionate the same way that a puppy is. He's always happy to see you, and absolutely adores cuddling up to you.

Best Friend
His best friend, besides you, could very well be Nova. No one else seems to want to talk to him, but Nova doesn't seem to care. They have a lot of casual conversation.

He!!!!!!! Loves!!!!!!! Cuddles!!!!!!! So!!!!!!! Darn!!!!!!! Much!!!!!!!

He makes part of his living in cleaning. He does so a lot, and when he sees you using window cleaner on a mirror, he takes it from you and does the job himself, usually twice as good, and twice as fast.

He couldn't end a relationship, especially if he was he one who asked the person to go out. He couldn't do it face-to-face, and usually just writes a nice, heartfelt letter.

He'd be more touchy after being engaged. On the flip side, he'd also be more nervous, and it becomes easy to make him blush.

He's super gentle. Roughness and violence isn't in his nature, especially after being a slave for so many years.

Yes! He hates those short hugs, though. When you go in to hug him, you have to understand it'll last at least a minute.

I Love You
He doesn't say it a lot, because the phrase means a lot to him, but when he does say it, it's in the perfect moment, giving it an almost overwhelming amount of meaning.

He gets jealous, but not an angry jealous. If he sees you talking to someone else, he won't get frustrated at all, but he'll get a bit self-conscious.

He loves being kissed. In his eyes, it's an extra little show of emotion, and it saves him from throwing in "I love you" every single time you see each other, so you've agreed to mentally say it each time you kiss one another, so he can save the "I love you"s for special moments.

Little Things
He always makes random little homemade gifts. He'll make candles from old beer bottles and other cute stuff.

He is definitely a morning person. He's less afraid and anxious when he's in broad daylight, and is always happy to start someone else's day off on the right foot.

He's somewhat scared of the dark (or rather, who's in it). At night, he likes to be with you, in your home, or the bar.

It depends on the topic. He's more open about happy memories, and more closed off about bad ones. Especially those involving his slavery.

He used to be impatient, but he's learned a bit since then. Now he knows to take each day one at a time, and that he's in no rush at all.

He's smarter than he looks, and has a lot of random knowledge. Most are just fun facts he reads on the backs of food boxes that no one else cares to read.

He likes it. Being a ghoul, it takes no effect on him. He likes to joke about you giving him a piggy back ride in the rain and using him as an umbrella.

He will protect you at any costs. Gob will not hesitate for a second to lay his life down for you.

Gob acts like he's still trying to win you over. He does random, spur-of-the-moment nice gestures and whatnot.

Ugly Habits
He picks at the skin around his fingers to the point where he'd bleed, so he wore gloves for awhile in attempt to stop.

Gob isn't self conscious about his looks, but his personality. He loves jokes about how he's a ghoul and whatnot.

He likes the aesthetic aspects of winter. Snow, and whatnot. He, however, loathes the actual effects of freezing nuclear winter.

X-tra (Random HC)
He loves succulents, and if you're going to be with him, your house will have them in almost each windowsill.

He hates cocky people. He likes confidence, but not confidence acquired by putting other people down.

He has nightmares a bit more than average, but other than that, he tries to keep a regular sleep schedule, and wakes up early for work.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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