(SFW Alphabet) Yes Man

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SFW Alphabet.

After being synthesized, he's in love with his senses, and is touching you any chance he gets. Sometimes he forgets he can, and will just stare at you longingly until you invite him to hug you.

Best Friend
Almost everyone in New Vegas likes him. He's often invited over for dinners, gambling tournaments, and stays in high-priced hotels.

He likes being the little spoon, or sleeping so you're both facing one another. Besides sleeping, he doesn't cuddle too much.

He doesn't yet understand that humans need to eat and sleep. He keeps things clean, but doesn't focus on basic human needs.

Yes Man will bluntly end a relationship with someone if he thinks it's best for both parties. He will tell them exactly whats wrong, because he knows the pain of being used and abused, but not being told why.

He would be the one to ask, but he'd ask about a billion times, even after marriage, because the significance of it is new to him.

Physically, he's gentle, but mentally, he will absolutely tear someone apart as long as he's honest, and with good intentions.

Yes Man likes giving and receiving hugs equally. Sometimes he's he one in need of a hug, and sometimes, his partner is.

I Love You
He feels like it doesn't really express how he feels for you. There's loving someone, and being willing to die for them.

He doesn't get jealous. If he sees people pining for you, he gets prideful rather than jealous, because he knows he has you hooked.

Yes Man likes to make excuses for kisses. Goodnight kisses, intimate kisses, sick kisses, morning kisses, even drunk kisses, on rare occasion.

Little Things
He tries too hard to do a lot of big things, that he forgets about the little things. Instead of holding your hair back, he watches your meals and alcohol intake to keep you from puking in the first place.

He's the kind of person that opens the blinds, and sighs as though the window was open and letting in fresh air. He always wakes up in a good mood.

Yes Man gets more passive aggressive and aggravated at night. He's overall grumpy when the sun goes down.

He has nothing to hide, and is physically unable to lie. He may try to avoid the truth with double negatives, but he always fails.

Yes Man physically shows patience, but if someone in front of him walks slow, he is mentally gutting them like a fish.

He is unable to forget anything, unfortunately. Hm... Maybe a bullet to the head would help.

He doesn't like the rain simply because of how the acidic water effects his body, and even his home. There have been numerous leaks and it drives him nuts. It's why he loves droughts.

Yes Man isn't protective unless it needs to be. You guys have verbal codes, and hand signals for when one of you needs the help of the other, and he respects that.

He acts like he's still trying to win you over. Date nights are always set ahead of time, as well as anniversaries and whatnot.

Ugly Habits
Yes Man gets passive aggressive with almost any stranger that talks to you. They either don't catch on, or are nice enough to ignore it.

He doesn't really need to concern himself with looks. He's the same well-dressed synthetic man as always.

Yes Man feels stiff during winter, like his joints move at an awkward rate.

X-tra (Random HC)
He wants a ferret really bad. He saw a picture of one once and hasn't shut up about it since.


He has a solid sleep schedule. Go to bed at 9:30pm, wake up at 5:30am. He doesn't wake you up or force you to go to bed when he does, though.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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