Preference #44

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This is their favorite holiday and how they celebrate it.

Christmas all the way! He loves setting things up with you and Duncan, and it's just a big bonding experience for the three of you.

Hancock likes Valentine's Day because he can show you he loves you and he can spend money on you all day and make you happy.

Nick likes Christmas because everyone is a little more positive. And because he can brag about not feeling cold whenever you complain. And yes... he's a fan of Valentine's Day too.

It isn't exactly a holiday, but he loves April Fools Day. If he were forced to choose a serious holiday, though, he'd pick Halloween because he'd scare the shit out of anyone he could.

He likes New Year's Eve because he thinks it's his time to reset and have another year added onto his life because he was actually created on New Years Eve. So it's technically his birthday, too.

He likes Thanksgiving because he thinks it's nice to see people get together and talk and laugh as though the world hadn't ended.

Sturges likes the Fourth of July because he can build fireworks and watch them go. He mostly likes blowing things up, though. You don't mind, because the red light from above makes him look like he made his own makeshift Instagram filter.

Gage likes Easter because he can fuck around with people. He and the other raiders fill eggs with little bombs or firecrackers and put razor blades in candy and get wasted. So if you see an Easter egg near raider territory, just keep walking.

Travis likes Thanksgiving a whole lot. He likes cooking something special for the two of you and watching your face light up when you come home to a nice dinner. He does it a lot anyways, but he makes this special chocolate sauce only on Thanksgiving, making it your favorite holiday as well.

Danse likes Christmas only because he likes having an excuse to wear cute sweaters, and they look absolutely amazing on him, especially the ones with the little sewn-in lights!

He likes Easter because he'll leave little trinkets around in eggs for you to find. Sometimes it'll hold a little plastic figure of a dog or a nice little ring he got for you.

Before the war it was Black Friday, but now he likes Christmas. It seems to be the only time of the year that settlements are happy, and that Raiders leave people alone.

He likes Saint Patrick's Day because it's an excuse to pinch people he doesn't like and not get his ass kicked. And because he likes to show off his green underwear to you.

Gob likes Columbus Day because it's the only day of the year he gets off. He doesn't know why. He thinks it's because no one celebrates it, but everyone celebrates the other holidays in the bar he works in.

Charon likes New Years Day because it makes him feel like he can start over, even if he can't. And because he likes kissing you at midnight under the silent stars.

Arcade likes Halloween because the Followers hold a candy-giving event and little kids from Freeside or Vegas attend and he likes eeeing them dressed up. Not to mention that they say they like his doctor 'costume'.

Boone likes New Year's because they two of you are off and you just sit in bed and talk and drink and laugh in one another's presence until the most drunk of the two of you dozes off. It's usually you.

He's a big softie, and likes Valentines Day. He likes waking you up with a kiss and just laying around with you all day. He adores getting you gifts just to see your face light up.

Benny likes Saint Patrick's Day because it's the one day of the year that you allow him to let loose on his booze and get as wasted as he wants. Once he woke up half-naked in the fountain outside the Ultra Luxe. He usually regrets it in the morning.

He likes Fourth of July because he loves fireworks. He loves kissing you under them and lighting them then running away. He likes aiming them at people.

Dean, being a (secret) hopeless romantic, likes Valentines Day because he likes seeing you smile while he worships you all day.

Yes Man
Yes Man likes Valentines Day because he'll roll over in bed and complement you until you wake up and you'll both get dressed up and go somewhere to eat and he'll just express his love in numerous ways.

He likes St. Patrick's Day because it's an excuse for him to drink more than usual. He isn't a drunk, but he usually has a beer with his dinner every now and then. St. Patricks Day, though, he drinks himself to the grave, and has a hell of a time doing so.

Ten of Spades
He doesn't care too much for holidays, but he likes Christmas because everyone around him is in such a better mood and because patrolling the Mojave makes him wish for a nuclear winter!

He likes the Fourth of July because the Legion meaning of the holiday was the thought that the red fireworks were made to celebrate them, so some Legionnaires go point fireworks at places and blow them up with style.

Joshua likes Easter because he says that it was a day reserved for the Lord. He explained why, but you forgot. He has the tribals celebrate it as well, and the little ones go egg hunting and whatnot.

They don't really have any holidays, but the tribals do have some traditions. One day of the year, the entire tribe will gather up and share stories. It keeps everyone friendly, and is really good for people with social issues to learn how to speak in front of people.

He likes Fourth of July for a reason deeper than you try to understand. He's explained it once, but you didn't really listen, and you were eager to shoot of fireworks with him.

Dr. O
He likes Valentine's Day because he thinks it's incredibly important that you know that he loves you. Even on regular days, he'll surprise you with your favorite food or a flower or something.

Dr. Klein
He loves Saint Patricks Day because if gives him access to his liquor cabinet. He gets head over heels drunk, and you find it fun because he lets his lips loose after a bottle or two.

Dr. Mobius
He likes New Years because the two of you get absolutely fucking plastered. One year, you two blacked out, then slept for thirty-six hours.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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