Preference #104

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This is how they react to seeing you walk down the aisle.

He started to tear up, and Duncan, who was his in his little bitty suit, grabbed his fathers hand and asked if he was alright.

He was muttering to himself and smiling dumbly. When you actually reached him, he wouldn't stop complementing you until the preacher smacked the back of his head and told him to hush it.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He had never felt love like this in his life and it reminded him that you were his everything.

He was twitchy. You noticed his hands twitching and as soon as you got within reach, he took your hands in his own and kissed your knuckles.

He was in awe. He took his sunglasses off, and tucked them inside his suit jacket. He kept his hands folded in front of him, but his eyes conveyed enough emotion.

He was breathless. Tears pricked his eyes and he felt like he couldn't breathe. He finally felt like he was where he was supposed to be.

He had his chest puffed up, and dear god you felt bad for the seams of his suit. You felt faint just seeing him. He felt the same seeing you.

Gage never thought the day would come, and he was still in shock that you even said yes. He just stood there stupidly until the whole thing was over, just going through the motions then melting when you two were alone.

He was smiling dumbly the whole time, and put his hands on his cheeks. You noticed him doing his breathing exercise to keep him from passing out.

He beamed brightly, and put a hand over his mouth, he almost cried, but he managed to keep himself together.

He looked at you lovingly, and couldn't look away for the life of him.

His hands were behind his back and he stood up straight. When he saw you, he got so nervous he was worried you'd see his legs shaking.

He felt bad for you, since your father wasn't there to walk you. He high-fived his best man, and gave himself a little fist pump, like he was hyping himself up. It was pretty funny.

Gob was so overcome with nerves, that he couldn't do anything but stare. When you got there, he said hi, and felt like he did when he first spoke to you.

He grinned, but kept his face. When you got to him, he held his posture and told you that he loved you, and that you looked fantastic.

He looked to you, then to the sky, probably wondering what his father would think if him. He looked back to you, and a smile split his lips and he couldn't contain himself.

He refused to take his sunglasses off. He took them off when he had to kiss you, and you could see that he was fighting tears.

He honestly never thought this day would come, for him. He just looked at you and smiled a little, remembering all that you brought to his life.

He bit his bottom lip, and you knew that later, he would build you up and say how good you looked in your outfit, and how glad he was to have you for his own.

As soon as you got to the altar, he started spilling out compliments, and eventually the preacher had to tell him to shut the fuck up.

You two had an informal wedding, surprisingly enough, and the whole time he just went on and on about how he'd be and planning your future further.

Yes Man
He had to take a second when you got to him. He had to pause, and just recollect himself, because this was really his life, and he really had you.

He took his cowboy hat off and pushed it to his chest. He felt like he was gonna overheat, and ended up fanning himself with the hat.

Ten of Spades
He was jumpy, and kept looking like he was bouncing off of the walls, and he was just absolutely giddy.

He kept a straight face, but you could see in his eyes that he was holding back some emotions.

He never thought he'd be getting married after his incident. He felt bad for you, and he always felt like he had forced you into something you didn't want a part of. That wasn't true, but he couldn't shun the feeling.

Right when he saw you, he just had the biggest, cheesiest grin on his face, and the most lovesick look in his eyes.

He felt like he wouldn't be able to provide you with much, but he was still overwhelmed with adoration for you.

Dr. O
He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and when you got to him, he said that you could back out at any time, like it was a game.

Dr. Klein
He had a straight face, but as you got closer to him, you became more stunning. He actually bit his lips to hold back tears.

Dr. Mobius
He was at the altar and as soon as you came out, he raised his hands and shouted, "Aye, what up!" And you did the same and said, "Yo, bitch!"

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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