(SFW Alphabet) Sturges

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SFW Alphabet.

He's super affectionate, though it goes without him needing to show it. You can just tell he cares by how he acts around you, versus how he acts around people he sees as just friends.

Best Friend
He'd be a decent best friend, and always ask for your help if he knew he needed it, unlike most men. He'd make you feel needed and appreciated.

You two cuddle a lot, with no words exchanged.  One of you lays a certain way, and the other knows what it means, and snuggles up to them.

He thinks any man that is too clean, is suspicious, but that any man who's home is a pig sty, is lazy. His floor is clean, but there are things where they're not supposed to be sometimes. You once found a wrench in the freezer.

People can usually tell when he's thinking of breaking up with them. He can't keep secrets of his own, and will be antsy and quiet around them until they finally confront him about it.

He doesn't like having a metal ring. It gets in the way and can scratch whatever he's working on, so he has one of those silicon rings that some men wore in the days before the bombs fell, so it won't get caught or snag on anything.

For a man of his bulk, he's well aware of his own strength, and is gentle. His hands are always calloused, and always steady.

He likes hugging you, and resting his head on top of yours. If it's after his work, he smells like gasoline or oil. If it's before, he smells like pine.

I Love You
He rarely says it, because he feels the words hold so much meaning. He only says them to people he knows that he truly loves, like his grandmother, or his significant other, after they've been together for a certain amount of time.

He gets jealous, but doesn't act on it. Any man who has eyes and see Sturges has biceps as big around as bowling balls, and they can pick up pretty fast that he can handle himself in a fight.

He loves playful kisses. Kisses that he uses to distract you and make you laugh and pay attention to him for a moment are his favorite.

Little Things
He loves the color yellow. If he sees you wearing yellow, he'll always complement whatever it is, and if he sees a yellow flower, he'll pick it for you. He loves sunshine, and the colors associated with it.

He works on his own schedule, so sleeps in until ten just about every morning. He has a routine though. He gets up, showers, makes coffee, then kisses you and goes to the garage to work.

He often has sleepless nights. It's either nightmares, or an unfinished project keeping him up. If he takes something apart, he can't stop in the middle and go to bed. He has to finish the whole thing before he can sleep a wink. 

He's pretty open. He doesn't like having secrets, especially from people he cares about. It makes him feel guilty, even if the secret is as simple as borrowing your pencil.

He is patient if he knows he has time, but if he is being rushed in any way, he panics and his work gets sloppy.

He knows a lot about you, but lets you keep your secrets. He never pushes you with too many questions if he sees you're uncomfortable.

He works indoors, in his garage, and if it's raining, he can just close the door and continue working. It honestly doesn't bother him in the least.

He is protective of two things. You, and his home. Those things go hand in hand, in his mind, and after Quincy, he's always checking up on you. He has a baseball bat under his side of the bed.

He loves impressing you, and getting your approval. He cleans up nice, and loves acting how a gentleman should, and treating you to whatever you want.

Ugly Habits
He has nightmares about The Quincy Massacre. Seeing his friends murdered and burned before his own eyes took it's toll on him, and he often wakes up in a cold sweat, and had to sit outside with a beer for a moment before coming back to bed.

On his work days, he doesn't think about how he looks, because he knows he'll be up to his elbows in grease and oil within the hour. He's very good with personal hygiene, though. When he wears a suit though, he may as well slay you where you stand.

Winter makes the garage cold, so he can't do too much in there. The only reason he likes winter, is because you two snuggle up for warmth each night.

X-tra (Random HC)
He owns four pairs of the exact same coveralls, and two purple combs, one he keeps in his pocket, next to a photo of you, and the other is on his bathroom counter.

He doesn't like being interrogated. He's a good honest man, but if someone asks him too many questions, his face will flush and he'll ask why they're poking around him so much.

He doesn't sleep if there's still work to do, but when he does get a full nights sleep, he can usually stay awake and energetic for quiet some time.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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