Preference #100

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This is what haunts them.

Lucy. When it's real quiet, he can sometimes feel like he can hear her echoing screams, yelling his name and calling for his help. Sometimes, the snapping jaws of ferals still overwhelm him and he's shut down in a large situation once.

What happened with his brother in Diamond City. He's spent many nights staring at the ceiling, trying to pinpoint the moment where his brother had changed, and constantly hating himself for learning to hate someone who turned out to be a synth.

Himself. He still doesn't know who he is or what his purpose is, despite getting rid of Eddie Winter and being a detective. He feels a chunk of his life needs filling, and it nags him.

Lots and lots of stuff. In his teens and early adults, he experienced more trauma than any one person should ever have to. He's never spoken a word of it to anyone.

No one becomes a hardened soldier without a certain history. To make him as cold-hearted as he was when you met him, Institute Scientists tortured him. They used it to see if they could harden their soldiers. After seeing how X6 responded, they discontinued the program. They never wiped his memory of it. It has made him who he is, and he remembers every bit of it.

When he was a kid, he was bullied. A lot. He just wanted to be a part of the Minutemen. A group of boys pulled him away one day and beat the living hell out of him. Whenever you two pass a group of boys, no matter how harmless, he tenses up and reaches for your hand.

The Quincy Massacre. People always feel bad for the Minutemen because they were disbanded, but nobody ever spoke to the survivors of the attack. Sturges lost everything. His workshop, his friends. His family. He watched them literally thrown into flames by Gunners, before being smuggled out with the others.

Being betrayed. He remembers the explosions and the bullets. The sinking feeling he feels whenever he meets someone he might be able to trust reminds him that, in reality, he can never trust again. It hurts him, and you.

He father wasn't physically abusive, but verbally abusive. He was nagging Travis for liking music instead of sports, and he was always on his case about anything and everything. He ran away, and he regrets doing so because he said it was inconsiderate because he still loved his mother. He went back to apologize, and his family had been massacred. It's why he loathes the outdoors, and the Commonwealth.

He always feels alone. He feels like nobody truly cares for him, despite he fact that everyone would lay their lives down for him. You came along and helped him out with that, and he's doing much better since getting with you, but he still remembers how it felt.

His name. He feels the need to live up to so much, and that he's disappointing his family line. His father, who did great things for the Brotherhood, and his cousin, who died with valor. He fears that even in their grave, they're disappointed in him.

A lot happened in those 200 years, but nothing can compare to what it was like when he was transferred into a synth body. All he heard for a while was heart-wrenching screaming and cries, and he flat-lined for a moment. He thinks about it a lot, and doesn't talk about it.

His home life. His father left him and his mother. With age, his mother drank more and more. As Butch grew up, he guessed he took on the dark hair and light eyes of his dad. It led to many drunk beatings from his mother. Beatings in which he couldn't bring himself to fight back.

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