Preference #4

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This one is longer, and is basically summing up how you met them (in this case, you aren't the Sole Survivor, Courier, Lone Wanderer, etc., and don't meet them as you would in whichever game.)

You met MacCready back when he was a Gunner. He actually sniped a friend in your settlement, met your eyes, then left. You vowed to hunt him down, and did so after a year or two of searching. When you found him, you played coy, and tried to warm up to him. You then found out about how he left the Gunners. He knew who you were the entire time, and simply wanted to get your help because 'It was teachnically Winlock and Barnes's faults'. You helped him out, became pals, and so on and so forth.

You met Hancock in the Third Rail during your first visit to Goodneighbor. You spoke to him about how shitty the drinks were and how messy all of the rooms currently were. He listened with an open ear the entire time you complained before smiling and saying he was the Mayor. Your embarrassment from that day is still in your soul.

You were actually a suspect in the murder of a butcher. You were, of course, not guilty, and Nick apologized numerous times until you told him he can pay you back by taking you out to eat.

You had actually met Deacon on numerous occasions, and just didn't know it. He was practically your tail through most of your life in the Commonwealth, which mostly consisted on eavesdropping and finding a place to stay the night. After someone blew up the Institute, he finally spoke to you, never saying he'd known you for a few months beforehand.

You met X6 while planting carrots in the Institute. You were squinting at two of them, to see which one was bigger even though you put the seeds through experiments to make them exactly alike.... but you knew they weren't. You just couldn't tell which one was bigger! A voice from behind you told you the one on the right was smaller, then asked you if he could be of assistance. He was technically supposed to be hunting down synths, but he had a nice jawline. So what were you gonna do? Say no?

You met Preston while they were trying to win back The Fort. You noticed Mirelurks all over the small group they brought, and your conscience got the better of you and you joined the fight, holding a conversation with the man while shooting and chopping. He eventually saw you as 'Minuteman material', and enticed you to join him.

You were with the Atom Cats, and went with Zeke to check out what he called a potential addition to the gang. The first time you lay eyes on him, Sturges was fixing a ruined corner of a house, and looking at his biceps while he twisted that wrench, you decided there might be more to life than leather and cars, and stayed with him in Sanctuary.

You were a member of the Pack, and under Mason's command, you were to go speak to the person who'd killed Coltor. The new Overboss wasn't there, however, and you had to speak to Gage so he could relay the message. The two of you got off topic quickly, and you immediately knew you'd have to somehow find more messages to deliever while the new Overboss was away.

Meeting Travis was very interesting. You saw him eating noodles, and smiled, going over to him to have a friendly chat for the first time about how you haven't seen him around in a while. He said he was a hardcore introvert, and besides nervous stuttering and mumbling, he was decent at holding a conversation.

You met Danse right after a fight. He saw your small house in the distance with its armor and weapons workshop, and a huge piece of his Power Armor was messed up badly. He wasn't injured of course, but you helped him out, better than some of his co-workers even, and he came back for the smallest stuff. Like he started bringing you scrap and tools he thought you might find interesting and whatnot.

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