Preference #98

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This is platonic, and this is how they react when you come out to them.

You came out with Duncan, who was afraid to tell his father he was gay. Duncan told you about his fear and you told him about your sexuality as well, and MacCready overheard, coming in and saying that he didn't care and that you were both his best friends for life. 

He told you he knew. You tried to explain more but he said he knew everything and to shut up and make friendship bracelets with him.

Nick wasn't sure why you told him since you weren't the best of pals. It was a stepping stone in your friendship anyways, and it brought you two closer.

Deacon nodded wisely and told you that he was all knowledgable and that the prophecy foretold this tale. Desdemona poked her head in, told him to stop telling people that, then said that you two had a job to do.

He mentioned that back in the day, people would have put you in an asylum for your differing sexuality because they didn't quite understand. He then chuckled and said that you and him both were quite lucky that times had changed.

You came out and he thought for a while before telling you that he was glad you trusted him enough to tell him. Then he told you about a settlement that needed help.

Sturges sighed and said that he knew how important it was to be supported in these types of moments. Once, he had been with a member of the Atom Cats for a year. Both men were bi, and when Sturges told his parents about it, they lashed out and told him to live on his own. They eventually learned to love him again, because he was, after all, still their son.

Gage shrugged and said he swung both ways. He didn't care he just liked to fuck. He asked if you were the same way and you laughed and told him to shut the hell up.

In reaction, he blurted out that he was a virgin. It made you laugh and he blushed and told you to stop messing with him. It was funny and somehow made the situation less awkward.

Danse asked when you knew, and said that he was battling something in himself as well. He thought that if you could overcome your identity crisis, so could he.

He just said that the Brotherhood didn't care of your gender or sexuality, so long as you were human, and could take orders.

He shrugged and said that it didn't really matter to him. He was very proud of you for having figured yourself out.

Butch didn't really care too much. He teased you some, but not in a mean-spirited way. Teasing was just his way of avoiding mushy conversations/situations.

Gob got all happy for you and asked if there was anyone in town you had your eye on. You talked about it like teenage girls and it was amusing.

Charon shrugged and said that he had never felt a certain attraction for another. You told him that he was probably asexual and he smiled a little, happy to have a sense of self.

He nodded and said that he never thought coming out was supposed to be a big deal. Arcade was always open about his sexuality, asking you why all the good guys were jerks and stuff like that, giving you a hint of his sexuality without him really saying the words.

He sighed and said that love was damned and that it was better off to keep to oneself rather than love at all because the pain it caused him was enormous.

He was happy that you figured it out, but told you to be careful. He had experienced heartbreak more than once, and no matter who you loved, he just wanted you to be safe in doing so.

He shrugged and said that they had a little bit of everything over in Gomorrah. You blushed and he offered to take you over there sometime to "become more comfortable with yourself".

He said that he swung both ways, and in his eyes, everyone had the tendency to go for someone they usually wouldn't. Then he started sweet-talking the gentleman on door-duty with him.

Dean wasn't really listening and politely asked if you wanted another drink.

Yes Man
It led to a long drawn out talk and he spoke nonstop for about an hour and you listened up to the point where he became a parent giving a lecture. Then you fell asleep.

It kind of confused Victor, but looking back, he felt like he kind of knew all along, and it made some of your actions make more sense.

Ten of Spades
He understood and said that Betsy liked women and that she might be able to talk to you more-so about your situation because he couldn't really relate. He still treated you the same as always afterward.

He said that you were already a degenerate, so you really couldn't de-rank more because of it. You punched his arm jokingly and he smiled, saying that Caesar didn't care so long as you served your purpose.

He said thy back in the day, religious folk believed they should hate anything that isn't man and woman. He sighed and said that they were fools, because his God preached that everyone should love everyone, no matter of race or class or sexuality. It disappointed Joshua that they were so blind back then, but he was also happy that people were more open minded. It only took nuclear annihilation for it to be so.

He said that Joshua told him about it and that he never really understood it. Not anything about sexuality, he just doesn't understand relationships in general.

Ulysses clenched his jaw and told you some stories about a kid getting adopted by two men or two women and a bunch of other stuff like that. Then he got all salty at the Courier he lost and had to go play with his snipe rifle for a while to calm himself down.

Dr. O
He shrugged and said everyone was gay sometimes. You laughed at him and said that was besides the point, and he was happy to make light of the situation.

Dr. Klein
He understood, and figured you were hitting on him. You rolled your eyes and said you weren't, and he got offended and asked why not. You just said you'd been friends for too long.

Dr. Mobius
He told you about his homophobic father. Mobius remembered how his father reacted to his sister liking women, and sighed, saying that he'd support you until he was no longer breathing.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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