Preference #129

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Their reaction to finding out you can sing.

He heard you through a door and quietly waved Hancock over, and they both pushed against the door to listen.

He just admired you from his spot from across the room. He just couldn't believe someone as talented as you, would ever settle for someone like himself.

He chuckled and said you should get a job in Goodneighbor, because you could apparently, easily swipe Magnolia off the stage.

He chimed in with you, singing awfully on purpose, and giggling with you afterwards.

He complimented you very formally from the doorway, and you just coughed and blushed nervously.

He sighed quietly and kicked his feet. He was on his stomach, chin in is palm, legs kicking like a teenagers would on the phone.

He just gushed about how talented you were, and asked if you'd sing for him while you work. It really, really took some convincing for you to do so.

He said that someone as tough as you didn't look like you'd be able to sing and you just said that you have a lot of hidden talents.

He asked (begged) you to sing live on his radio. He didn't care if you just sang for thirty seconds, he just wanted people to know that it was his lover who was that talented.

Danse just listened respectfully, and said that if the times weren't so trying, and the bombs never dropped, you could have persuaded a career as a vocalist.

He said that it was good you could sing, but that signing wasn't a life-saving ability.

He smiled and hugged you, saying the ability to write and sing songs could potentially save lives, if they had the right message.

He tackled you onto the bed and encased you in a hug, peppering you in numerous kisses until you were howling with giggles.

He said that, if you wanted, you could get a job at Moriarty's as a canary for people to come and visit, because he figured people would travel just to hear your voice.

He didn't say anything, but the small, sweet smile on his face held all the depth and support you needed.

When you started, he didn't say anything, but when you stopped, he blushed and politely said that you're singing helps him think, so you should sing again.

He was genuinely surprised, because you two had been together for quite some time. Had you just never vocalized around him, or had ue just not noticed?

He told you a "fun fact", that if you sing to flowers while they grow, just for a while a day, that it actually helps them grow and live longer.

He let out a whistle and kissed you heartily, saying you should get a job at his workplace to attract newcomers.

He started snapping his fingers and tapping his foot to get you singing to a nice, ringing beat.

He started singing with you, and when you two were on it, Christina thought she had died and gone to heaven, thought she'd never openly complement either of you.

Yes Man
He was just so overwhelmingly happy for some reason. He said tat you had a serious talent, and that you shouldn't let it go.

He just started at your lips and noticed your breathing, wondering what else those could be involved in.

Ten of Spades
He said that you're amazing vocal skills, and his lack of, united you two. He said you got double the voice and left him with none.

He'll tell you to keep it down. He likes your singing, but it isn't smiled upon on Legion ground.

He sighs and remembers his church's choir, and how great they were at both singing, and instrument playing.

He'll strum his guitar for you and you'll hum or sing and sometimes some of he younger tribals will dance or sing with you.

To him, when people sing, it is such a turn-on! He loves seeing their mouth and neck move, and if they have talent, bonus points!

Dr. O
He loved waking up, and seeing you in the kitchen, singing while you do whatever you're doing in there.

Dr. Klein
He likes when you sing, and he can't think in complete silence, so he's definitely asked you to sing more than once.

Dr. Mobius
He loves hearing the hum in your throat, and is always bust absolutely giddy when you start singing to/for him. Then he usually asks for a "private show".

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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