Preference #73

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This is what they do when you're drunk.

MacCready will mess with you. He'll ask you questions, and, in your drunk mind frame, you'll admit embarrassing things you've thought about him. He has his fun, then makes you go to bed.

When you're drunk, Hancock is drunk. Without a doubt. If one of you is drunk or high, then the other is drunk or high. Ham usually has to take you two back to your room and hand you guys off to Farenheight.

Nick will just sit back and watch you. He'll make sure you don't hurt yourself, but otherwise, you just go around and make yourself look like an idiot. It's amusing to him.

When you're drunk, you just kind of turn into a soggy waffle. You'll melt and ask Deacon to take you places. He'll try, but due to your dead weight, he'll just end up dragging you by your feet across Railroad HQ. Desdemona and whoever she's with will stop talking and watch as he dragged you through the meeting room to your bedroom.

He doesn't understand why you drink, but when you do, he tries his best to get you behind closed doors. You're respected amongst the Institute, and he doesn't want you to make a fool of yourself, as you usually do when you're drunk.

Preston immediately turns into a mother hen. He'll get you home, fix you a cup of water, and send you off to bed. The next morning, he's always prepared to help you treat your hangover.

Sturges lets you loose. When your drunk, you'll just sit with him and talk about raisins for 20 minutes, and socks for an hour. He'll just sit and listen to whatever you have to say because it's better than you being out causing trouble.

Gage turns into your bodyguard. You'll stumble dumbly around Nuka-World, and he'll go with you with his armor, his gun, and a bag full of stimpaks because no one knows what trouble you'll find, or what trouble will find you.

Travis apologizes to anyone you accidentally bump into. He'll wrap an arm around you and hold you up so you don't trip on the way back to your home.

You're a clingy drunk, so you'll latch onto his arm or leg or back, and he'll just go about business with you hanging on him. He doesn't mind, because as long as he can keep an eye on you, you're okay.

Maxson usually gets drunk with you. He's a quiet drunk, and you're a rowdy drunk, so he'll be sitting stone-faced in a corner and you'll be following Danse around and honking at him for no reason.

He puts you in a cold shower in attempt to sober you up, and he'll make you coffee for afterwards. He knows you hate it, but it's his way of teaching you not to drink too much.

Butch will get you to talk. You slur when you drink, so he'll ask you to say different words, and usually ends up laughing his ass off.

You'll talk about how much you love him and you'll go into depth with the type of future you want with him, and he'll listen with open ears, and a blush on his face.

When you're drunk, Charon will lock you in a room with only one door, and give you a box of Sugar Bombs and a water bottle before closing the door and standing outside of it. You don't mind. After you fall asleep, he comes in with you and goes to sleep as well. He doesn't want you wandering off or getting hurt.

You yell for no reason when your drunk, so Arcade puts some plugs in his ears and gets back to work, completely ignoring you, but always looking up just in time to pull you away from his chemicals.

Boone will drink with you, but he never gets drunk. He'll let you rant to him, and he'll just watch your lips move and your face flush in passion about the topic you're discussing.

When you're drunk, he's drunk. You two just lay on a couch wheezing with laughter over shit that isn't funny.

You and Benny are only drunk when together. Neither of you drink individually because you know to stay sharp. When you're both drunk, you usually end up having sex with one another.

He'll make an obstacle course for you, when you tell him you're not drunk. It leads to you stumbling around and falling over the backs of couches, and him having the laugh of his life.

When you're drunk, you'll giggle like an idiot until you pass out from the lack of oxygen getting to your brain. Dean watches this happen each time you get drunk, and is always baffled by it.

Yes Man
He's already baby-proofed the house for you. He has stuffed bears taped to the corners of desks and tape over the outlets because he just knows you'll try something stupid even with your lack of coordination.

Victor always drank with you, and you guys never took any precautions. It sort of bugged people. Trudy had an idea and roofied both of your drinks, so you two would take a room and not bug the town. That seems to work for everyone.

Ten of Spades
He keeps you indoors, because whenever you're drunk outdoors, you decide you can use your outdoor voice, and it attracts too much attention for his liking. He just sits in his room with you until you knock yourself out or sober up.

He has to hide you each time, since drinking will get you killed if you're caught doing it on Legion ground. He'll shut his tent flap with you and try to keep you quiet until you're sober or until you fall asleep.

When you're drunk, Joshua will come to your aid, already prepared with something to cure your hangover the next day, and plenty of blankets to bundle you up in.

He isn't quite sure what to do, but he makes sure to stay especially close to you so you don't end up hurting yourself or someone else by accident. You usually flirt with him even thought you're already together.

You and Ulysses always make sure you're both somewhere safe, preferably locked in a room, before drinking, because one small mistake in the Divide can lead to death. He's always ready to help you suffer through hangovers, though.

Dr. O
He doesn't really drink hard enough to get drunk, so he'll just watch back, and smile, because he knows that the next morning, you'll be puking and he'll be bringing you soda to calm your stomach.

Dr. Klein
He's a very sober drunk. He's drank so much for so long, that his blood is pretty much always intoxicated.

Dr. Mobius
You'll be stumbling around trying to cook eggs, and he'll be at the table banging his head on it and screaming.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

Fallout X Reader PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora