(SFW Alphabet) John Hancock

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SFW Alphabet.

He is super affectionate with his significant other. He almost always has his arm wrapped around them, especially in public.

Best Friend
He would be the most wild best friend ever. He'd be super supportive, and tell you to chase after whatever you want, and that you can do it.

He loves cuddling, especially if it's under a heavy blanket in the winter. He loves having his significant other close, and loves being the big spoon.

He's pretty messy, but blames it on his mayoral duties rather than he just doesn't want to clean. He doesn't plan on settling down anytime soon.

He's insanely relaxed about breaking up with someone. It's almost always for his own good, or the others, and in the end, they're both happier apart, so breaking up is nothing to him.

He'd practically act like you're married already, and would focus on moving all your stuff into his place, or his stuff into yours (though you were practically living together beforehand).

He isn't physically gentle at all. He loves arm wrestling and stuff with you. With being a ghoul, he can't stand to be mentally gentle. He's as tough inside as he is outside.

He doesn't think too much of hugs, but if you need one, he's always more than happy to deliver!

I Love You
He'll say it pretty fast into the relationship, but only says it when you do something that makes him realize how in love with you he is. If you let out a genuine laugh, he feels the arrow in his heart, and tells you he loves you.

He doesn't get jealous, but if the guy or girl hitting on you just keeps at it, and doesn't take no for an answer, he can get pretty pissed off, and assert dominance.

His kisses are always slow and sensual. You two never have quick kisses, because he loves you, and lives in each moment he has with you by his side.

Little Things
He'll sometimes take off his hat and put it on your head, mostly just because he knows that you love wearing it. You like to mock him when you wear it.

He is everything but a morning person, because he's usually hungover, or coming down from last nights high. He showers in the morning to really wake himself up.

He loves nighttime. He likes going on long walks at midnight with you, looking around Goodneighbor at all the pretty lights that are up, and sometimes he'll take you out onto his balcony and look at the clouds when the sun is setting.

He's pretty open, but he's never forthcoming with information. He doesn't keep secrets, of course, and if you ask a question, you will always get an honest answer.

He has a low tolerance, but he has a lot of patience. If someone lies, he'll get pissed and handle it immediately, but if he's locked in a room for hours, he'll just nap and think until he's let go.

He knows every little detail about you. Eye color, height, the part in your hair, the way you rest your hands, the way you walk, he can determine it all. He doesn't even realize he knows that much.

He likes the rain, even though it's pretty much equivalent to weak acid. He prefers to sit outside when it's raining, as long as he's under something, like on a porch or on his balcony.

He isn't too protective, because he knows you can handle yourself, but he also won't let anyone lay a hand on you. He keeps his gun on his belt at all times, and most people seem to pick up on that.

You guys have plenty of small dates, but you two always go out. Whether it's to a bar, or even just out on the balcony playing cards. He'll put in as much effort as necessary.

Ugly Habits
He scratches himself too much. He's not even itchy, he'll just do it if he's nervous. He'll scratch his arm or jaw, and he usually ends up making the place sore.

He doesn't care about how he looks because he thinks he's hot shit without trying. He's right.

Temperature means nothing to him. Snow and sweat are the same to him and he's so happy to be that way. He's perfectly okay with doing things in the winter, though he really prefers summer.

X-tra (Random HC)
His hugs are amazing, and he really really really wants a dog. He wants a big scary looking dog to guard the room while you two are out.

He doesn't like having to (literally) look up to people. He isn't above average height, and it's hard to intimidate other men when he has to get on a step stool to properly do so.

His sleep schedule is everywhere. Sometimes he goes to bed at home around ten, sometimes he'll fall asleep on a bench in Goodneighbor at three in the morning. It depends on what he's on.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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