Preference #33

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This is how you two play fight.

You and MacCready never play fight. The two of you do, however, spar. You'll practice hand to hand combat, and you remind him who's on top in the relationship.

You guys wrestle on the floor until one of you has to yell out 'uncle' or 'mercy'. Then you take a break before doing it again.

You're scared of hurting him or breaking something, but you two will occasionally play a game of 'who can punch harder' and go back and forth punching each other in the arm.

Play fighting is literally all you and Deacon do. He'll pick you up and toss you over his shoulder, using his strength against you. He'll toss you on the bed and tickle you until you're purple.

You two don't play fight, but you'll punch him in the stomach to get your anger out. It's never directed towards him, but it doesn't hurt him, so why not? Plus, the looks on the other peoples faces when you punch a Courser in the stomach with no consequence... it's great.

You'll flip Preston's hat off and steal it. He'll chase you around and tackle you before pummeling you in kisses.

Sturges likes to tease you, so you'll ask for a tool, and he'll grab it, holding it so you can't reach. You'll poke a finger at his ribs and he'll usually drop it. He absolutely loves getting on your nerves.

You and Gage will put each other in headlocks and wrestle and be rough with each other all the time. You've never seriously hurt one another. Yet.

Travis is very shyly ticklish, so, when feeling playful, you'll kiss him and poke at his ribs.

You and Danse do a lot of hand to hand combat and field work, so you don't have time for Play Fighting.

You'll hop on him any time you get. Literally. He'll be talking to Danse, and you'll just latch onto his back like Velcro. He won't do anything either. He'll just go on with his day with you attached to his back or leg or chest.

You two don't really play fight, but you're both childish as fuck, and play boardgames, and tag, and hide-and-seek and all of that good stuff.

You and Butch like to push each other. You'll slap the back of each other's hands really hard to see who pulls away first. Once, you two held cigar butts to each other's fingertips to see who's let out a cry or pull away first. You two agreed to stop at the same time. But hey, at least you have cool matching scars!

Gob's too sweet for you to want to Play Fight with him. You just tackle him in hugs and kisses, and he giggles like a dork. It's nice.

Charon isn't interested in anything because he doesn't want to hurt you. You'll try to rile him up, but he'll  just grab your waist, pick you up, and set you aside like you're a box of tissue.

You and Arcade scare and trip each other a lot. You'll stick out a leg to trip him, or he'll hide and try to scare you.

You and Boone just... don't. You're scared he'll shoot you or something.

He complains about being too old, and is worried you'll break him or something, because in his eyes, you're totally strong enough to do that. You usually just playfully hit each others arms.

Whenever you and Benny Play Fight, he says or does something sexual, and the two of you usually take it to a room.

You two actually wrestle from time to time. He'll be watching TV and you'll be bored and decide to bug him. You two usually wrestle until one of you is pinned down and has to cry "Uncle".

Dean says he's too refined for that sort of stuff. He'll just put a hand on your forehead and keep you at arms length.

Yes Man
Yes Man doesn't understand the concept. You'll hop on him or sit on his back on the ground or something, and he'll just act like it's normal, asking you how your day went or what you want for lunch.

It's absolutely impossible to play fight with him. He can just keep you at arms length or tousle your hair and get you all riled up. You'll jus hop on his back and he won't give a shit.

Ten of Spades
You and Ten of Spades start to play fight, and it just ends in your two cuddling and falling asleep from lack of energy.

You and Vulpes always fight in the arena. You two just say whoever's on the ground first, loses. He was always very good at getting you on your back already, so he won more than you, kissing you sweetly afterwards and offering to help you run an errand.

You don't because you don't want to hurt him. You two do, however, manage to have verbal Play Fights. He'll say something, and you'll object and go back and forth. It's never ill-mannered, though.

He refuses. He doesn't want to risk you getting hurt. You two will sometimes spar together though, only because he needs to learn how to defend himself if the two of you are ever separated.

You and Ulysses always practice hand-to-hand combat with each other. You'd never had to use the techniques you've been practicing, but the body contact usually heated things up, if you know what I mean.

Dr. O
Play fights lead to cuddles. You'll hop on his back, and he'll go lay in bed or on the couch and you two just stay like that for an hour or two.

Dr. Klein
He'll always pull the "I'm-Too-Busy-Working" shit, and you'll just poke at him until he's done, then he'll just kiss you to make you stop, then go grab a beer for the two of you to share.

Dr. Mobius
You two play fight a lot, never hurting one another. You have rules laid out and everything. No crotch-shots or biting, for you, and no scratching or kissing, for him.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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