Preference #5

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This is when you realized you fell for them.

You knew you were in love with MacCready when you went with him to reunite him with his son and bring Duncan to the Commonwealth. You watched with a smile as he bent down and took his boy into his arms, and seeing him that happy made your heart stutter a bit.

You knew he was the ghoul for you when the two of you were calmly sitting on a bench outside the Third Rail. He told you to wait five minutes, and you did, sitting with him in comfortable silence. The moment the sun was behind the building, the Christmas lights that were up year-round came to life, and seeing the silent joy on his face when they did, made you happy.

You never thought you could love a Synth, but Nick easily proved you wrong. The two of you were on a case, in an obviously dangerous zone, and the detective kept making quiet,  snarky, sarcastic comments, making you laugh and nearly give away your hiding spot.

You knew you fell for Deacon when you first heard him laugh. You were used to him making cunning remarks, and one day you said one back, insulting Desdemona. His laugh was absolutely heavenly, and made your chest feel an odd sense of warmth.

You fell for the roguishly handsome synth-hunter when he first complemented you. He said your cheekbones were aligned so that they make your eyes shine. You were pretty sure he could hear your hammering heart.

You immediately fell for Preston when he was giving a speech after taking back the Castle. He was so passionate and loud, a fierce expression on his face as he congratulated his men and women of battle, but holding your gaze most of the time. You were pretty sure you were gaping at him for an hour or two after that.

Your heart belonged to Sturges the moment he got a motorcycle up and running. He sat on the seat in his overalls, and revved the engine until satisfied. He hopped off, and was a hot giggling mess the rest of the night.

You fell for Gage when the two of you were playing cards. You both put fifty caps in, and you won. You did so back in forth with spare caps from a settlement, and you always won. You gave in a little, just enough to let him win the last one. Seeing that man jumping up and down and shouting in joy was absolutely day-making.

Travis became dominant at one point. A man was hitting on you in the Dugout Inn, and he nearly lost his mind. You could practically see the steam pouring from his red ears as he told the man off. What more could a person want?

Danse is allergic to cats. The two of you were walking around, and you saw a cat, and looked at him. He pretty much had stars in his eyes, and looked to you for permission. You got out your first aid kit with a sigh, and gave him a nod. He scooped the grey cat into his arms, and it stayed still, letting him scratch its back until the man's throat nearly swelled shut and you had to help him out. Something about a huge man with a small cat and treating it so gently made you realize you loved him.

You fell for Maxson when you walked on him sleeping. You'd accidentally woke up an hour earlier than everyone else, and went to see if he was up as well. You walked in, and him sleeping was so peaceful. No shouting orders, no fluffy prideful coat, just a calm man. You stared at him for a while, blushing, then turning around and going back to your quarters to lay back down and ponder your feelings.

He made a joke. He never made jokes, but it was a very well-put one. It made you laugh, and he stared at you, completely dumbstruck at what you were laughing at.

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