(NSFW Alphabet) Arcade Gannon

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NSFW Alphabet.

After sex, Arcade prefers to just cuddle up and go to sleep. He may clean you both up with a warm washcloth, but for the most part, he just wants to sleep it off.

Body Part
He honestly has no preference. He finds himself lucky to have you on top of him at all, and doesn't want to take any part of you for granted.

He doesn't have a preference. Like any man, he would like to cum somewhere warm, but he completely understands if you'd like him to cum elsewhere.

Dirty Secret
He's always wanted to try handcuffs. The thought of him being handcuffed and completely under your control, somewhat turns him on.

He isn't too experienced. He has never had a one night stand in his life. He's only had sex with people he'd be down to marry.

Favorite Position
Missionary. He doesn't really feel the other positions as much. He thinks of Missionary as old-fashioned, so he takes a liking to it.

He isn't purposefully goofy. He's awkward, and then you make light of it and joke with him. If that's goofy, then yes, he's very goofy.

He's a blonde, so all the hair that isn't on his head is also blonde. You usually tease him for having no eyebrows, but he insists they're there.

It isn't insanely intimate, but it definitely isn't rough or harsh in any way. It's more gentle and sweet than anything.

Jack Off
He doesn't do so a lot. About as much as any man his age would, without his significant other around to help.

He somewhat likes he dominated, but he prefers to be with someone who can be under him, but be more of a dominant bottom.

He's super clumsy, so if it's anywhere he's not familiar with, he's bound to make a mess or break something.

He thinks of himself as lucky, to have someone as fantastic as you. If you smell good, if you smile at him, if you kiss him. Anything you do is perfect, in his eyes.

He can't be dominant. He can't be rough. The two have you have tried, just because he was curious, but he physically can't bring himself to be anything but gentle with you.

He isn't a huge fan of oral, going either way. If you ask, he doesn't mind going below deck, but he personally never asks you for head.

Slow, and passionate. He always makes sure there's plenty of lube to keep things going, and he's sure to make sure you both orgasm in sync.

He'd be too nervous. He'd much rather wait until you're home, so the tension builds, and the release is better than it would have been if you had a quickie in a dingy bathroom.

If he's familiar with where you are, and what he's doing, then he's up for a bit of a risk. He's the one that gets to choose where you go, though.

His heart gets pumping pretty quickly into things, so he usually likes one good round, then to cool off, and maybe have another round that night.

Being a man of science, he finds them weird. Arcade is just afraid something will explode.

Arcade is surprisingly good at making his partner cum. He knows what to do, and when to do it, and you each cum once, usually at the same time.

He doesn't tend to be loud, but he definitely lets a few moans slip past his lips, but that's past his control.

Wild Card
He never asks for anything. He never asks your to kiss him, if you can hold his hand, if you can hug him. Literally anything. He never asks.

Average girth, average length. He's so sweet, and his fingers work wonders.

Anyone that doesn't know him, thinks he has the most pure mind. If you're wearing tight jeans though, he'll always manage to sneak a glance in if you stand up or sit down.

He likes to fall asleep immediately after, especially if it's midday. He loves a good after-sex nap.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any requests??

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