Preference #78

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This is how they react to you telling them that you have to go to Far Harbor, and that you'll be gone for a little while.

He wanted to be mad, but couldn't because he had left you to go to the Capital Wasteland to get Duncan, and it would be hypocritical to scold you for going a long distance by yourself.

Hancock was nervous about you leaving. He thought you were using your journey as an excuse to take a break from him, but when you invited him to come with, he did so without thinking twice.

Nick was going with you, but he was still anxious because he'd never heard anything good about Far Harbor.

It was clear that he didn't like it, but he tried to convince you to let him come with, since his job was to travel anyways. You said no because it was something you had to do by yourself.

When you actually got to Far Harbor, he relayed outside of Acadia with a gun and two other Courser's. You were there on an Institute mission, and him showing up to help you wipe Acadia off the map was nice.

Preston was happy that you were taking your ability to help further than just the Commonwealth. When you told him he couldn't come with you, he was less happy, and more concerned because of the rumors he'd heard about Far Harbor.

He knew you were going and he hated it. He tried everything he could to get you to stay with him. In the morning, he cuddled you so you couldn't move, and eventually when you were ready to go, he sat on the ground and hugged your leg, begging you not to leave.

You were going there to establish territory. There were three main groups at Far Harbor, and you had three raider gangs just waiting to get their hands on their homes. Gage thought it was an excellent idea, and ended up trying to rush you over there.

He put down his foot. He said that he wasn't letting you go, because he didn't want to risk losing you again. Your work outside Diamond City is worrisome enough for him, but going that far would be unbearable.

Danse said that he understood because he has had to travel great lengths for a mission. He took you out on a date the night before you left, and wished you the best of luck.

Maxson said that you could go if you brought some Paladins with you. It broke out into a fight because you could defend yourself just fine, and you ended up leaving without a goodbye, and being embraced heavily when you returned.

He hated you leaving, even if you were going a very short distance. He helped you pack a bag, making sure you had everything you'd need before kissing you goodbye.

He choked on his breath. You showed him the distance you were to travel, and he was concerned about how long you'd be gone and when you'd be back and everything.

As soon as you told him, his heart was already beginning to ache just at the thought of being in Megaton without you. Your power was the only reason some of the bullies had lay off, but with you gone, he was afraid of what would happen, or that he wouldn't be there when you came back.

Charon went with you. No questions asked. You knew from the look in his eyes the moment that you told him, that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. That was fine with you.

Arcade didn't believe you. He thought you were messing with him because no Courier would travel that far just to deliver a box of uncooked pasta. When you were gone the next morning, he felt bad for not giving you a proper goodbye.

Boone kissed you goodbye, and you were halfway there before he popped up and said he'd been following you the whole time. It was too late to turn back now, and he knew it, so he stuck with you with a cocky smirk on his face, proud of his cleverness.

Once you told him, you were more worried about him being alone. You left him the times to feed the plants, and himself, and offered to make his lunch for him for when you were gone. He just chuckled and said you reminded him of his mother.

Benny just muttered that it was a weird place for a honeymoon. You hushed him and told him why you had to go. He didn't understand why you'd throw your life on he line for a stranger, but he simply kissed you and wished you well, telling you to come back as soon as possible.

He rolled up his sleeves and ask who the hell it was that wanted you to travel that far. You wouldn't tell him because you knew he'd probably hire someone to kill the guy for you.

Dean wasn't worried about you. He knew you could handle yourself, but after you left, paranoia started to set in. He began worrying that it was just an excuse and that you were going to leave him forever. When you came back, he was absolutely delighted, but never told you about his doubt.

Yes Man
He packed you a bag full of snacks and water and a cute photo of the two of you. He kissed you and hugged you and said he was going to miss you each second you were gone, so that you better hurry.

Victor was sort of nervous, but he just whistled and said that it was a mighty long way, and asked if you truly felt comfortable going out that far from home. You said you did and he bid you farewell, telling you to hurry back.

Ten of Spades
He asked if he could send a recon team with you. You said that it was just something you had to do on your own. You both held onto photos of each other for the span of time that you were gone, and when you got back, he proposed and said that he never wanted to be without you again.

He hummed in response, and just wanted to know the basics. He wanted to know when you were leaving, when you'd be back, and how long you'd be gone. He understood the importance of a mission, and bid you a kind farewell with a kiss and some advice for traveling long distance's.

Joshua understood that it was something you had to do on your own, but asked you to get there, do business, then come back with no further delay.

When you told him, he was excited because he thought it meant that he would finally get to see some of your world. You told him he had to stay behind and he wouldn't stop asking why.

He understood what it meant to track someone down, but he refused to let you do it alone. You said that you had to, and it sort of upset him. He sighed and decided that, while you were gone, he was going to try to get that Courier to come to him.

Dr. O
He frowned and asked how long you knew you were leaving. You told him and a small fight broke out before you both cooled off, and came to terms with what you had to do.

Dr. Klein
He threw some things at you. Not angrily. He threw vials and clipboard because he wanted you to record everything you saw there, since he wasn't much of a traveller himself.

Dr. Mobius
He smiled and said he knew a guy inFar Harbor. He told you his name, and said that you should hang out with him because he's strong and protecting. Mobius made it sound like he had a crush on the guy and you laughed, thanking him for his advice.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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