Preference #57

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I know this was in Fallout 3, but I'm going to make it so that even Fallout 4 and NV characters can see it. This is their reactions to you blowing up Megaton.

He admired the amount of caps you got for the job, but said, "Hey, uh... you really thought that way the best way to get caps?"

Hancock got quiet for the first time in his life, and very gently asked you what you just did. You told him, and he went and took a nap so he could think about it.

Nick left you. He yelled at you for being a psychopath, and committing mass murder or homicide or whatever he called it, then he left.

Deacon swallowed thickly, and said, "You do know there were kids in that town... right?" He kept saying that some of the only good people left were there, but was too scared to do anything else. He feared you after seeing how much power you had.

He watched with a small smile, congratulating you on your mission. You smiled as a thanks, seeing the mushroom cloud only in the reflection of his sunglasses.

Preston yelled at you until his voice gave out. He said he didn't travel with murderers, and left your company, never traveling with you again.

Before you did it, you warned Sturges to get anyone he cared about out of the town. He got everyone out somehow, but still frowned upon you as you destroyed their homes.

Gage muttered that it would have been better to seize the town rather than destroy it. It would have been a good slave outpost for you guys.

Travis passed out 'from the altitude'.

Danse was heartbroken because he said that Megaton may have not been the greatest place, but that it was a good step in the right direction, and that you messed that up.

Maxson frowned and said there was salvageable technology in the town.

He got very pale, and asked how many people lived in Megaton. You said none, like a liar, and he felt slightly better.

Butch left you. He said you were getting too out of control for him, but told you to visit him once you decided that mass murder was wrong.

Gob spit in the towns direction, saying that it caused misery in his life. He later felt bad because he then remembered he had friends there as well as enemies.

Charon aimed his gun in the towns direction as it blew up, saying nothing. You went to visit the hellhole, and when finding a survivor, he shot them, saying that you missed one.

Arcade called you an insane person, and asked you why the fuck you even thought about doing such a thing.

Boone said nothing.

Raul shook his head, and said that he needing a break from whatever it was you were becoming.

Benny put a hand on your hip and kissed you, happy to be with such a figure of power in the Mojave, and the Wasteland. He adored Tenpenny's style, but wanted to take what the old man had.

He wasn't paying attention. As he town exploded, he watched the orange light reflect on your face and in your eyes, and the wind bruh over you. He was too lovesick to care.

Dean made a joke about blowing and said that he knew an asshole that lived there who robbed him of his money.

Yes Man
Yes Man laughed uncontrollably, said you were insane, then flung himself over the railing. Not really, but he was upset with you for quite some time, saying there were better ways to handle the town.

He wasn't paying attention. He just got out a cigar, flipped open his lighter, and asked if you wanted a smoke.

Ten of Spades
He hated it. You didn't want to blow up Megaton, but it was something that had to be done, for some reason. Your man understood that, and kept his mouth shut.

Vulpes put on his sunglasses and asked Tenpenny to bring out Champagne before blowing up the town. Tenpenny and your homicide-loving boyfriend became quick friends, and you did more work the man needed done.

Joshua quoted the Bible, and warned you to be careful, because the darkness you touched could take over you.

He had a panic attack. At the sound of the explosion, he was sent into a frenzy from unwanted memories of White Legs killing his family with explosives.

He wanted to see if there were any survivors. He hated it because he knew what it was like, to have your home destroyed. He said that you'd go down in history, but not in a righteous way.

Dr. O
He didn't really care. It shocked you, and when you asked why, he just said that there were worse things happening in the world. Like what, you never knew.

Dr. Klein
He asked why you blew up Megaton instead of one of the Communist towns they had around. He admired the bomb beforehand, and asked how you knew how to rig it.

Dr. Mobius
He was high, so when the mushroom cloud formed, he widened his eyes and blinked a few times to try to focus, because he guessed it was serious.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed!! Any preference requests??

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