#34 The Dead Remain Silent

19 4 3

The Dead Remain Silent by @BakeMeBuns

This story started off with a very interesting structure. It was completely unique - one that I hadn't really seen before. I liked the short parts separated by asterisks. I don't know why, but it worked out really well.

One small it's/its issue but it wasn't much of a problem. Probably just a typo. Some small errors such as "atleast" and syntax errors where choices of words could have been improved on but I corrected these for you. You also had some unnecessary commas.

Keep the asterisks on the swear words consistent.

Numbers spelled out look more formal.

Chapters were short but I think this suited the style.

Overall, I found it very intriguing. I thought the main character was in depth and that we still had a lot more to learn about them.

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