Twin-Sized Bed

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The hunt that Sam and Dean had told you about was supposedly an easy salt and burn, so you and your boyfriend Cas decided that you would both come along. It had been a while since you had been on a hunt so you wanted to see how it went by starting slow.

The spirit lures children in and tricks them into thinking that theres candy or something like, and then she kills the child, Sam explained as he looked at the computer screen.

You felt like your heart had been crushed as you listened to Sams explanation. Who would do that to a child? They have a whole life to live. Why children? You looked away, fighting the wave of nausea that had crashed into you.

Cas had sensed your discomfort, and his arm snaked around your waist. He leaned in closer and you smiled, still fighting the nausea.

Do you want to sit out, love? He whispered in your ear as his hand found your hand and he intertwined your fingers together.

You shook your head and took a deep breath. You didnt want them thinking that you were going to forfeit because of what the spirit was doing. You had always had a difficult time dealing with these sort of things, and you didnt want them to worry about you. No. I just Why children? You asked and Sam sighed, looking at Dean for answers.

Some people are just sick. Spirits die a brutal death, and something happens causing them to do horrible things. Thats why we have to stop them. Dean explained with a comforting smile.

You nodded and smiled, seeming to calm down quite a bit. It was like they all knew how to comfort you when you needed it, not just Cas. You did think that Cas was the best at comforting you though.

Meet at the car in ten? Dean asked and you all nodded, headed off in your own directions to get your own things.


You were about an hour out of the town in which the spirit was located, and you were fast asleep, resting your head on Cas shoulder. Every once in a while Cas would look over at your sleeping form and smile. He had his fingers running through your hair and the same arm wrapped around your shoulder.

Sam and Dean were talking to him about something but he was secretly tuning them out and focusing on his sleeping girlfriend. He loved how your eyelids fluttered slightly as you slept, and how your long eyelashes rested on your cheeks. He found himself smiling every time a stray hair fell onto your face, or when you shifted slightly from your dream.

Sam and Dean gave up on speaking with him after they had yelled his name to get his attention but got nothing. They were surprised that you were still sound asleep, seeing that they had been screaming at Cas. Sam was smiling at how you had made Cas feel when he was with you, but Dean would just playfully shake his head at the scene.


When you all had arrived at the motel you had planned on staying at, you were still fast asleep, but instead of resting your head on Cas shoulder, you were laying in his lap facing the ceiling of Deans car. You had somehow placed yourself there casually, without startling Cas.

He lifted you carefully and opened the car door, making sure that you stayed asleep. He stepped out of the car and picked you up bridal style, hoping that he wouldnt hurt you. He closed the car door with his foot and headed into the motel room that Sam and Dean had gotten. They decided to get a room that would fit all of you instead of getting you and Cas a separate room. Cas walked inside and placed you on one of the beds. You stirred slightly before adjusting yourself and falling into a deeper sleep.


You woke up a little while later and slowly sat up. You were in a motel room that had three twin sized beds. You looked over towards the other side of the room and saw Sam and Dean sitting at a table and Cas was sitting in a stray chair off to the side. When he spotted you he smiled and stood up, heading over to the bed you were sitting on. He sat down beside you and sighed.

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